imagine first date

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-you two went to a renovated restaurant

-he probably asked some people he knew what to wear and where to go

-(since he is blind as fuck) when he made you blush he probably asked if you where feeling ok

-ofcource he paid for the meal, like he should

-he complimented your outfit a lot

-once you two where home he probably kissed you (on the lips)


-You guys totally Netflix and chilled

-everyone was out of the house for a whole day so laurier asked to watch a movie

-you guys cuddled the whole evening

-you ate a lot of snacks (no sweets tho)

-he fel asleep in the middle of the movie

-you went through his hair with your fingers


- you guys would go to the park or something like that

-has a picnic later in the day

-he would pet your head at random times wich would make you blush or get embarrassed

-likes to hold hands while walking

-when you two got home he would ask if you had fun (you better have fun (: )


-he wanted to go see a movie so he asked you to come with him

-movie date yey!

-you 2 shared a box of popcorn (if you don’t like popcorn you can leave) you had a romantic movie moment where you both grabbed popcorn at the same time and he accidentally grabbed your hand

-while the movie was playing you put your head on his shoulder wich made him a blushing mess when you looked up you saw his face as red as riddle roseheart when he is mad (twisted wonderland refrence) jkjk it was as red as a tomato wich almost made you laugh

-after the movie you walked back home and had a weird conversation wich made you laugh


A/N pls leave a vote so that have atleast one

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