Chapter 3)

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I woke up to Hurdy Gurdy Man from Donovan. I let the music play and got up. I liked Donovan so why put it out? I walked over to my wardrobe and took one of my ten suits out. The first four had been paid by SHIELD but I had paid extra to add six others so I wouldnt get into stress with washing them. I took a short, cold shower and then slipped into my suit. I put on my shoes, which made me about six centimetres higher, which was quite useful. I wasnt as tall as I sometimes wished. I was about 1,72 meters high and still I had to look up to nearly everybody. But being 1,78 meters high was much better. I went over to my commode and picked out some silver tear-drop earrings. As always, I wore my emerald necklace. Never took it off. Well, I went out of my room and down the hall to go to get me some breakfast. When I arrived, I got into queue and grabbed my breakfast before sitting down at table. A minute later Hill came up to my, balancing a tray with her breakfast. "Lovecraft, how's it going?" "Morning Hill, Im good, thanks, how 'bout you?" "Same.", she smiled and sat down. Since we had the same clearance level and basically the same rank, we soon became good friends. "So...what are you going to do on your free day?", Hill asked. I smiled. "I'll visit my hometown, as always." "You mean your family?" I shook my head. "My family moved away after I joined in here." "Then why" I shrugged. Hill smiled. "You are our little mystery, you know. Fury and mines. I just dont understand why youre choosing this day, every year as your only free day. It is not even your birthday, it's not like it's a special day. Did you just randomly pick one?" I shrugged. I didnt really feel the need to explain myself on this matter. "And then, on your only free day, you do nothing but visit your hometown?" Again I shrug. "I like that place." Hill shook her head. Well then, I wish, I guess." I nodded, taking my plate and standing up. "Tell Fury that I'll be off.", I said, and she nodded. I put the tray away and then went back to my chamber. There I picked up the bag I already had packed yesterday evening and went to the hangar. A little airplane awaited me. I jumped in and the pilot, Mandy, greeted me. "Same spot?" I nodded. "Same spot." Just a few minutes later, Mandy landed the plane just outside the city. I got out and felt the plane leave behind me. I took the main road into the city and the memories came flashing back up at me. I took the familiar route to my old home, passed by it and walked further until I came to a park. I walked in and ignored the people who still lived here staring at me. I went along the little brook that flew through the park. Then I got to the point where I could cross it if I jumped wide enough. I looked around. In this area of the park there was nobody to be seen. I didnt linger and jumped, landing steady on my feet again on the other side. On this side of the stream there was a little forest, in which I now retreated. I knew this place all my life. Nothing ever changed around here. I took my usual path further into the forest and finally came to my little secret spot. A clearing with a little pond. I had found this place randomly when I was about four. I told nobody about it but still visited it in secret. A few years ago a storm had pushed a tree down, not far away from the clearing. The tree had already been dead and so it had shattered into pieces when it hit the floor. I had dragged a piece of said tree to the pond and had used it as a bench ever since. I sat down on the piece of tree trunk and let my bag fall to the ground. Here I was, once again, every year. On December the 17th. I grabbed my bag and took out the bottle of wine and the box I had put some lunch in. Then I took out the book and my pencil case. I let myself slide down onto the floor and used the trunk to lean my back on. I let my head fall back onto the wood and stared up into the sky. It was a beautiful day, a bit cold, still beautiful. I breathed the cold air in, enjoying being alone. I had the whole day. I dont know how long I had just laid there, staring up into the sky but then my stomach began to grumble, and I sat up again. I grabbed my lunch, I had chosen a burger this time, and began eating. I put the empty box away and then grabbed the bottle of wine. This is the one day I can let myself go. Let my emotions go. I took the first sip of wine and enjoyed the taste before I gulped. Then I felt ready enough to grab my pencil case and the book. I placed it on my lap. Then I opened it. I went through the pages, first seeing to different handwritings, then only mine. I reached the first empty site and breathed out. Then I took my pen and began to write.

Happy Birthday.

I paused. I didnt know what to write.

I miss you.

Writing the truth wouldnt hurt. Besides, nobody would ever read this, I had given up hope that he would respond once again long ago. I sighed. Seven and a half years ago. An eternity.

I wish you would read this. Are you reading this? I dont know. How should I? From what I know you could be dead. And Id be writing to a ghost.

Well that went pretty cryptic way too fast.

I wish youd write me back again, Ive been getting lonely lately. I mean, Im not alone, there are people around me every day. My friends and colleagues, but its not the same. I miss your sarcastic comments, your mischievousness in every situation. Sometimes I think of what youd say, how youd react. Sometimes it makes me laugh. So I guess youre still in here, somewhere. With me. The last year has been prettynormal as far as my life can be, I guess. Works been keeping me busy but not in a negative way, more keeping my thoughts that arent positive or constructive at bay. I enjoy my jobstill it would be a much happier life if I went into my room at the end of the day and could write to you. Your present this year is something that only grows very high up in the Alps. This rare flower is called Edelweiss, which is German and means the purest white. I saw it on a mission a few weeks ago and took it with me. I know you disapprove of me being out on the field but sometimes a mental counsellor has to be where needed the most. I hope that you are well, wherever you might be and whatever you might do. And I wish you all the best. I guess, this is all I can do. Fare well, dearest friend.

Yours forever (not that you dont know it)


I read through the text again, then I took out the little white flower and laid it under my writing. I closed the book. Should I open it? I shouldnt, I knew I shouldnt. It would hurt. It would hurt because the flower would still be there. Telling me that there was no one on the other side. Proving that I was alone. I opened the book nevertheless and couldnt stop the tears that landed on the paper. Next to the Edelweiss.

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