Part 3

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**Mew's POV**

Things have changed in the last 2 months but in different ways than I thought they would. For starters Gulf and I have grown closer and were basically everywhere together now.

Tul, Gulf and I meet up two to three times a week but Tul is still leaving and disappearing every day and it was starting to get to me even though Gulf told me not to worry about it. He might be use to this type of behavior but I am not.

Him and Tul are my firsts and I want to believe that Tul cares about the two of us but it's hard to see that when he isn't even here half the time. For example Gulf and I are currently laying in a hotel room butt ass naked and Tul is no where to be seen.

Gulf: He was laying on his side as he brushes a hair out of my face. "What are you thinking about?"

Mew: I glance over at him with a weak smile. "I was just thinking about how I wish I knew where Tul went every night."

Gulf: "Does it really bother you that much?"

Mew: "Kind of, I mean the three of us act like were together any chance we get and than as soon as it's night time he runs off like his life is on the line or he's seeing someone else."

Gulf: "Trust me you don't have to worry about him running off to someone else, Tul is ridiculously loyal to the one's he's with he just has a hard time showing it sometimes."

Mew: Mumbling to myself not really thinking he would hear me. "I wish I could see it too..."

Gulf: "Just give him some time."

Mew: I just stare into his deep brown eyes like he could answer all my questions if I looked hard enough. "You like me right?"

Gulf: That made him laugh as he places his hand against my waist before kissing my shoulder. "Of course I like you, what kind of question is that?"

Mew: I don't know why I was feeling so insecure at the moment but I knew that I wanted him to make me feel better as I grab his hand and bring it up to my lips before kissing his knuckles. "Can you show me?"

Gulf: He looked hesitant for a second. "Shouldn't we wait for Tul? It wouldn't be a good idea to do anything when he's not here, if he finds out than we could get punished and you saw what he did to me last time and that was just for masturbating. Normal people are aloud to masturbate Mew..."

Mew: That made me smile as I stare at his hands intensely. "I won't force you too, I just want to be close to you right now..."

Gulf: He lets out a groan as he pushes himself up onto his elbow before staring down at me. "If you promise to keep this a secret between the two of us than I will help you but only this once. I understand your feeling confused about the situation we are in and it's understandable. It's definitely not something you see every day for three people to be in a relationship together equally but that's what I want and if I have to prove to you that this takes more than just the two of us than I can do that."

Mew: I don't know why that made me want to cry but he was right, I needed something to prove to me that I was okay with the way things are. Tul not being around lately has been messing with me more than I thought It was. "Please."

He bends down and kisses me gently before gliding his tongue against my lips as I feel the excitement filling my stomach the minute his hands touched my sides. We continued to explore each others mouths as a strange feeling washed over me.

Than I felt his entire body shift as he slides between my legs and breaks free from our kiss so he could adjust himself.

Gulf: Whispering as he runs his finger tips over my stomach soothingly. "Are you sure about this?"

Truth or Dare ~ A One Shot Short Story ~ (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now