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Lil' bit of context: an outside force is the real villain, and Squall has started working with the Wundrous Society to bring it down (based on the common enemy thing mentioned throughout the series, particularly in Hollowpox).




She had messed up.

As in messed up real bad.

How could she have been so stupid?

And now she was left alone with no one to turn to. No one trusted her; no one wanted anything to with her. Even Jupiter. Even Unit 919.

She had turned into the monster she feared she was – so twisted that even the evillest man who had ever lived had turned his back on her. Her mentor. Her... friend.

She'd let the biggest threat to the Free State get in. It's not like she had meant to do it, but look where it had left her! Broken and alone, feared and hated by many, including her family.

The end was drawing near, and Morrigan was to blame.


The wind whipped around her as she pulled her shawl further over her head, masking her face and keeping her shoulders somewhat warm. Morrigan had been walking for days now, with no destination in mind. She had nowhere to go and no one to go to. Unless...

No. Surely, he would have heard about everything by now. He probably hated her like everyone else did. He'd turn her into the Stealth before she had a chance to just say "hi."

Wouldn't he?

But he'd been there for her previously when no one else was. He'd been the one who held her close and told her, "I believe in you. I trust you, and I always will."

Would he go back on his words in a time much more dire than just typical teenage repertoire?

There was only one way to find out.


Morrigan held her breath, fist raised to knock on the oak door. She looked around at the surrounding woodland again, trying and failing to find a better reason not to do this than, 'he'll hate me, turn me out or have me killed'. Because, she had decided, that Jack probably would listen to her before acting upon anything – she'd seen it a million times before and could only pray he hasn't changed since the last time she saw him, about a year or two ago.

They had lost touch after Jack moved out of the Deucalion. Before then, the two had been incredibly close, often mistaken for dating. And that was just it – they were practically dating without being aware that they were. They were always teasing and joking with each other until it reached a level of definite flirting and laze around all day together. Their hugs were probably a bit too intimate to be platonic, and the way that they knew each other nearly better than they knew themselves. Morrigan had missed Jack, finding that love really did grow fonder in absence, and she really hoped he felt the same.

She finally pulled up enough courage to knock. One, two, three sharp raps before standing back and waiting, trying not to give in to her thoughts.

What if he's not home? What if he moved? What if I'm not in the right forest? What if he doesn't-


The door swung open, revealing a young man with silky black hair, cognac brown eyes and a cautious look on his face. Morrigan looked up, feeling tears burning in her eyes as she let the shawl fall from her head.

The man's eyes widened slightly.

"Morrigan," Jack breathed, and she was shocked to see a smile gracing his lips.

"...hi," she replied shyly, not really knowing what to say but feeling somewhat relieved by his reaction.

Jack shook his head, looking at her with a hint of disbelief.

"Come in, come in. Would you like something to drink?"

Morrigan smiled, "you still have that tea?"

"Of course," he grinned at her, leading her into his small cottage.


Morrigan hummed as she sipped her tea – sparkling jasmine tea, one of her and Jack's favourites – feeling the happiest and most content she had felt in a while.

"So," Jack began, looking at her, "I heard about what happened."


"Do you... do you want to talk about it?"

"I... I-I... Jack, I really fucked up."


"I d-didn't mean for any of this to happen," Morrigan could feel her voice trembling.

"I know."

"I just panicked!"


"And now I'm wanted by the Stealth, and everyone hates me!"

"That's not true-"

"Yes! It is, Jack. Even Squall and Jupiter! My entire Unit left me. M-my family-" her voice broke as she gave in to the tears that had been biding their time ever since she entered the small house in the woods.

She barely registered Jack moving, but before she knew it, her cup of tea had been taken from her hands and replaced with his own larger ones.

"You still have me, don't you?"


Smiling, Morrigan turned her head slightly to see the beautiful man laying behind her, holding her securely in his arms. His bare skin felt warm against her own, and she found herself wondering how she had managed to get this lucky. How had she thought that Jack would turn her away or even hand her into the Stealth? How had she thought that he wouldn't listen, that he hated her as much as everyone else seemingly did?

It was so damn obvious that the love he had for her was overflowing. He'd never stopped loving her even when he had moved away, much like Morrigan hadn't either.

"I love you, Morrigan, and it breaks my heart to see you like this. We both know the truth – you didn't mean to do it, and you want to fix it. And I'm not going to let you do this alone. We'll fix it together."

Morrigan didn't know where this war would take them, but she knew that as long as she had Jack, she'd be okay.




Well, we're back in lockdown where I live... perfect time to procrastinate schoolwork by writing fanfiction! :D

Written: 1 August, 2021

Published: 2 August, 2021

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