Lazy Mornings

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When Morrigan first awoke, it was still dark out. Or at least she thought it was.

When she awoke approximately an hour and fifty-two minutes later, the sun was shining through her window, whose curtains her room must have so rudely opened. She raised her head to glare at the window as if that would make them cower and draw its curtains once more.

Internally groaning, Morrigan let her head fall back to her pillows, startling slightly when she heard a muffled grunt from her right. She smiled before turning her head, and then her whole body, to face the other side of the bed.

Jack's eyes blinked open, taking in some of his surroundings before immediately shutting as he rolled onto his front, groaning into the pillows beneath him. "Why are your curtains open? What kind of sick person are you??"

Morrigan rolled her eyes. "Not all of us live like vampires all the time. Do you have some sort of sun allergy I'm not aware of?"

"We literally walked down to the shops yesterday – in the sun."

"Mm, but you're being grumpier than usual – maybe it's a correlating reaction to you being in the sun yesterday. Then again, you're not really a morning person, are you?"

Jack snorted, face still buried in the pillows. "What gives you that idea?"

Morrigan poked his shoulder, moving to sit up next to him, only to find her movements being constricted by a hand holding firmly onto her own. She smiled down at their intertwined fingers, giving them a light squeeze. "Oh, I don't know – definitely not all your moaning and complaining about the sun, or how your face is buried in pillows or anything."

"Not my fault you're a psycho who leaves her curtains open – really, why would you do that?"

"I don't usually, and I was certain they were closed when we got back last night."

"And yet here we are, the sun blazing into your room trying to blind me. No curtains or blinds to obstruct its path."

"Oh, quit your whining – you didn't have to sleep here, you know? Your room is literally just down the hall!"

"Was too tired."

"Seems like you still are."

"Mm. What gives you that idea."

If he hadn't turned on his side to face her at that moment, blinking up at her with his dreamy, sleepy eyes, Morrigan might've grabbed the pillow out from beneath him and whacked him over the head. Instead, she simply stared at him, a small smile of adoration growing on her mouth.

"Mornin', beautiful."

Her smile broke into one of pure joy.

"Joining the world of the living are we, handsome?"

Jack's face scrunched up, "Do I have to?"

Morrigan's eyes rolled before she had even thought to do so. "You can't sleep all day."

Jack pouted, shuffling closer to Morrigan on the bed. "Why not?" He grumbled.

"Because. You just can't."

"Hah, just watch me."

"That's kinda creepy-"

"Then don't. Goodnight."

"No- Jack- ugh."

Jack turned his back to her but dragged her with him by their still-joint hands. Morrigan sighed, moving her arms to more comfortably wrap around her boyfriend as she settled behind him, her chest pressed against his back.

She had to admit; it was pretty comfortable.

Maybe a few more minutes wouldn't hurt...




Written 10th of July 2023

Published 11th July 2023 

(But Wattpad tells us the publication date now so... Idek man.)

Just a short little thing I wrote because I felt like writing and posting something. Not my best work, but it's not supposed to be. I'm thinking to do more short stories like this - just short and sweet little things. If you have any scenarios you'd like to see written out, please send them through. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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