Finding Out

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Okay, okay, Ill tell you the story of Mommy and I first got together. But you two have to get in bed first. A mans voice said as two children giggled.

They both ran towards their beds climbing into them and snuggling under the covers.

The children were about six years old and loved hearing stories of their parents high school days.

Alright, we all settled in now? He asked as he smiled at them as they nodded.

Yes daddy! Now tell us the story! The slightly older one said as she looked to her father.

Yeah, I wanna hear how you and mommy got together. The boy said looking towards their father.

Alright. Now, this story starts off ten years ago when I went to Shanghai for a job opportunity and Mommy went there to visit her Great Uncle. He started the story as he gestured with his hands.


Adrien sat on the plane as he looked out the window lost in thought. His father had gone into his office on the plane.

Plagg flew out and looked at Adrien. Whats got you all pouty? He asked as he hovered in front of him.

He blinked and looked up at him. Oh, its nothing. Just thinking.

The Kwami crossed his arms as he sat down on Adriens knee and looked up at him. You and I both know that its not nothing. However, Ill let it go, for now, if you point me in the direction of the camembert.

Adrien chuckled and rolled his eyes as he pulled a piece out of his pocket. Here, you can have more when we get home.

Plagg smiled rushing forward and grabbing the piece shoving it into his mouth.


Once they got back to the Agreste Manor Adrien went straight to his. Plagg laid on his bed and took a nap as Adrien started looking through different pictures he had.

He started pining them up on his wall trying to make sense of all the thoughts in his head.

His mind was racing as things started to piece together. This all started when him and Marinette had both told her uncle that they werent dating.

While they werent actually dating his heart constricted when they both denied it so eagerly.

He didnt entirely know why his heart felt that way, but he was determined to find out.

He started making notes about all the different things he liked about her and compared them with Ladybug. He was in love with Ladybug and had always been.

He started to realize that there were a lot of similarities between the two though he chalked that up to Marinette being Marinette.

Shed always been hard working and great and problem solving and a great friend. Nothing had changed and yet he still couldnt figure out why he was sad at the fact that they denied dating.

He ran a hand through his hair and groaned before heading to his bathroom. It had been a long day and he needed a shower and some sleep. It would make sense in the morning.


A few weeks had gone by, Adrien was starting to lose sleep over his dilemma. He sighed as he stared at the wall, hed started creating trying to figure out why he was attracted to both.

Plagg flew next to him munching on a piece of camembert as he stared at the board. Kid, I really think you should give it a rest.

I cant Plagg. Its been nagging at me since we told her uncle that we werent dating. I cant figure out why it made me sad. Adrien replied as he leaned his elbows on his knees putting his face in his hands.

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