Chapter 25-Celebrate

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Hello people of this world called Earth!How are you feeling?Hope good!Sorry for not updating soon again!I didn't have free time at all this week with my exams at school but I'm done with them now!So please comment and vote!Without further wait I hope you like Chapter 25!Enjoy :)

Eve's pov:
This wasn't going to end up good. "I think we should let you two alone" I said. "Yes you should" My dad said. "If you need anything mum just come to the kitchen" I said and Liam,Eleanor and I went to the kitchen.I closed the door of the kitchen and sat on a chair as Eleanor did,but Liam stayed standing up.

"What is happening?" Liam asked with a confused expression on his face. "This was my mum" I said. "But you have talked about your mum and I thought she.." he said. "Dead I know,me too.I was socked but we settled the issue.Nowwe have to wait and see how my dad will take this.By the way where were you two together?" I said.

"Um..just out for a coffee why?" He said. "Seems weird to me" Eleanor said. "And a bit suspicious to be honest" I added. "Simon is our manager,we talk about albums and stuff.It's nothing to worry about" He said.I don't think he's telling the truth..Well I'll find out somehow. "Mhm ok" I said.

"It's too quiet out there don't you guys think?" I said worried. "Relax they must be having a nice and polite discusion" Eleanor said. "You just suprised me with the choice of your words girl" I said. "Why?" She asked. "You never talk like that" Liam said. "Shut up Liam" I said. "Excuse me then miss Cowel" he said. "I said stop talking Payne" I said.

"You two are really fun to watch" Eleanor said and smiled. "Huh?" We both said at the same time. "You are a really cute couple" she said. "She's not cute.She punched me for god's sake" Liam said. "And when I did I was going to explode because I was trying not to laugh" I said. "And such a nice person don't you think Eleanor?" He said. "Yes she is haha" she said. "Well thank you for all those nice comments" I said and rolled my eyes.

Two days later:
"Liam get ready!" I said to Liam that was sitting on the bed with his phone. "Yeah ok" He said.I threw a pillow at him because it was the only way I could get him get up. "Why?" He asked annoyed. "You can't come to the party with your boxers only you know" I said and crossed my arms.

He stood up and came to me rapping his arms around my waist and kissing me once at my neck. "I don't think you won't like that" He said. "Really Liam?Really?Not now.We have a party just to remind you for the hundreth time today" I said and backed off from him. "Alright alright I'll get ready" He said and went to the bathroom.

I was already dressed.I was wearing a pair of black leather trousers and a shirt with black and white stripes.I had my makeup on and my hair done.I had my nails done too and I wore my earrings and a ring.I only sprayed my all time favourite fragrance and I was ready.When Liam got out of the bathroom he got dressed and we were ready.Louis didn't know about the party he just thought we were going out.

All the other boys where ready too and it was time for Louis too see the surprise.Eleanor,Perrie,April and all of the guests where at the club that the party was held and they were waiting for us.We drove to the place and when we arrived we hopped out of the car.It was ten at night.Kind of a late night party.We opened the doors and people said "Sursprise!" in harmony.

"Wow thanks guys" Louis said. "You have to thank El.She planned it all" Zayn said. "You did this for me babe?" He said and kissed her. "Its nothing really.You deserved it" She said.Louid gretted all the guests and the party started.We danced,we sang and we were having fun.We were dancing at a slow song and I had my arms around Liam's neck and my head burried to his  hest.He had his arms wrapped around my waist amd we were moving in the slow music.

"Hey" He wishpered in my ear. "Mhm?" I mumbled relaxed. "Are you bored?" He asked. "Nah I'm alright.You?" I asked. "A bit.I am surprised that no one is drunk yet" He said. "Why don't we get a drink?I don't mean to get drunk just saying" I said. "Yeah sure" he said.We went to the bar and Liam ordered our drinks which we both got Vodka Lemon.It was a light drink,nothing much really.

We didn't drink more thankfuly.I didn't want Louis' party to get ruined or something bad to happen.That was the last think that I would want to do.At the end of the party we spotted the two drunk people.Harry and April.This isn't a new one.If we had made a bet I would have won right now.April can get drunk easy and so can Harry.

We had to carry them and they weren't really light.We were too tired to drive April at her apartment and she was dating Harry now so they were going to sleep together.Should I be worry about that?Nah they are too drunk to do anything or move.At the five first minutes that they will be on the bed they will be asleep.

I went to my room with Liam and changed into my pajamas. I sat next to Liam on the bed and he cuddled me.He kissed the top of my hair and then my cheek moving to my neck. "Sorry to ruin this but I'm too tired Li" I said and looked at those chocolate puppy eyes. "You did ruin it" He said. "Well that's life.We have to deal with it" I said. "Oh really?Goodnight then" He said and kissed me softly on the lips.

"Goodnight" I said and lied down.I was thinking many stuff.This week has been a rollercoaster with all the preparations for the party and my mum appearing.Her and my dad had their fight but they can get through this.They could always solve their problems and they were doing a good progress.They were living together and to my surprise my dad suggested that.

Life seems to get better.That's positive right?I mean ok everyone faces everyday difficulties small or big but its not that hard to overcome them and continue with our lives.We all get through some tough stages in our life and some sweet ones.Evsrything that happens,happens for a reason.And the people that come to oyr lives are either a blessing either a lesson.

Afterall everyrhing will be fine with your family and friends supporting you.We have to be patient and try for the best.We can all make it and be happy.The thing is that after a good period comes a bad one and that's what considers me the most.I mean Liam and I are great right now but with my bad luck everything is possible...
Soooo was this a boring chapter?I think it was and I'm sorry.I didn't really have many ideas so comment your thought or send me a message with your ideas.Vote and check out my two other fanfictions too!I hope you liked Chapter 25!Thank you :)


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