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Once both of our babies were born and taken off to be weighed and cleaned up, they stitched me up they took me back to my room while Opie went to tell Gem what was going on.

"Hello mommy" a nurse greets as she wheeled in a cot that had a bundle wrapped in blue.

I slowly sit up careful with my incision and smiled as I took in the sight of Harry.

"Hi sweet boy" I greeted

The nurse handed Harry over to me and I teared up.

"Is there any news of the the surgery on my daughter?" I asked

"They are half way through. When the surgeon is done I'm sure he'll come talk with you" she says

"Thank you" I say

She went to talk but Harry started fusion so she walked over and helped me with my hospital gown and guided me through the whole breast feeding ordeal. With no trouble what so ever Harry latches on and eat.

"He's a quick learner" the nurse comments

"Like his daddy" I replied

"The gentleman with the beard and beanie?" she questioned

"Yea" I reapplied

"He's handsome and so is his daddy" she says before walking out.

I shake my head and kiss Harry softly on his temple.

"I swear I can't take your daddy anywhere without someone complimenting him or wanting him and your other daddy" I tell Harry

"The nurse must had said something huh?" Opie asked as he walked in and stood next to the bed and brushed his fingers through Harry's hair.

"Said Harry is as handsome as his daddy after she asked if the gentleman with the beanie and beard was Harry's daddy" I say to him as burp Harry before handing him off to his dad so I could fix the hospital gown and lay back.

"Well she wasn't lying our baby boy is handsome" Opie says as he takes a seat and holds Harry in his arms.

I smile as I watch the two.

"They said that Aleera's surgery is about done and that the surgeon will come talk to me" I fill him in on what was discussed

He nodded his head as he took a seat beside me and watched our son.

"After all the pain and suffering as well as body changing and image hating they finally arrived" I whisper as Harry rests in his daddy's arms

Opie looks over at me and carefully takes my hand in his.

"thank you for going through with all that you had to give me and Jax out babies," he says

"I'd do it all again in a heartbeat" I assured him

"wait till six weeks are up then tell me how you feel."

"the same way since I'd like to have more than two kids."

"we'll see what we can do."

We went back to watching Harry before the surgeon came in and told us the good news of our little angel making it through the surgery perfectly.

"Bad boys" Lovin a good girl ( completed ) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now