Chapter 11

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"Good morning, boys. What will we be learning today?" Katherine asked Paris and Erik as she and Sylvia emerged from the tent.

"Today, we will be teaching you what is sometimes considered the most important skill of being an outcast, hiding from enemies," Paris replied.

"How do we train for that?" Katherine questioned.

"How about some of you hide somewhere on the island while others try to find you?" Erik suggested.

"Knowing that's how you taught me to hide from enemies when I first joined the Group of Outcasts, that sounds lovely," Sylvia added.

So, Katherine, Sylvia, and Paris hid while Erik closed his eyes.

Madeline awoke the next morning and saw how the spell was affecting the tower. Sure enough, the floor was leaning even more, and the table and chair that seemed royal and elegant the day before now looked worn and used. Like the previous day, Mercuris came in with breakfast.

"Good morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Assuming that you've been putting an enchantment on my dinners to make me extra sleepy at night, I did," Madeline replied.

"Anyway, for today, I shall give you whatever you desire," Mercuris said.

"Well, then, today, I wish to be left alone so I can have the time to think through your proposal properly," Madeline requested.

"If that's what you desire, I shall see you tonight." He left the room and locked the tower once again.

"Alright, I have the full day to come up with a new way to get out of here," Madeline thought as she looked around to see what she could use to escape.

"Your Supreme Handsome Intelligent Powerful Prince Nathaniel Fergus Oberon Gilbert Carlos Hubert Andrew Louis Ebenezer Kasey the Ninth of Xebia, I believe it's time to continue our journey on the sea," the boat servant Sebastian greeted as he opened the door to Nathaniel's carriage late that morning.

"Why is no one able to say my full name properly without assistance? It's Nathaniel Frederick Oliver Gregorious Clancy Humphrey Archibald Leopold Edmund Kristian the Ninth of Xebia. It's not that hard to remember," Nathaniel complained as he came out of the carriage and handed Sebastian a piece of parchment that had his full name written on it. "Anyway, I'll just get changed quickly, and then we'll all go into the boat and set sail to wherever the wind takes us."

The servants brought out the vessel to the water's edge and discovered a small problem.

"It's not big enough to hold all of the horses, so they'll have to stay back here with a few other members of our party," Sebastian explained.

"I think I should be one of the people to stay since I've been tending to the horses during the whole trip. Who else would like to stay behind?" Matteo said.

All of the servants immediately raised their hands, wanting to have a break from Nathaniel and his ridiculous demands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not everyone should stay behind! Matteo, how about you choose one other person to stay behind. Everyone else will come along with me on the boat," Sebastian suggested.

"Well, then, Gary, how about you stay behind with me?" Matteo asked Gary.

"I would love that," Gary replied, grateful that he and his closest friend would have a break from their overbearing master.

"Now that I am properly dressed, we shall go out to the sea, and I will find my beloved," Nathaniel announced as he emerged from the changing tent in a royal black and gold tunic. All of the servants that were joining the Prince out to the sea took a seat in the vessel, and Nathaniel sat atop Bonnie.

"Your Supreme Handsome Intelligent Powerful Highness Prince Nathaniel Frederick Oliver Gregorious Clancy Humphrey Archibald Leopold Edmund Kristian the Ninth of Xebia, why are you sitting on Bonnie? I thought you hated her," Matteo asked.

"If other people on the island see me, I need to look as majestic as possible," Nathaniel replied.

Bonnie then threw him into the water.

"You know, you trying to kill me multiple times isn't making me like you anymore," Nathaniel told Bonnie as he walked out of the water. "And now I need to get changed because I'm soaking wet," he added as he walked back into the changing tent to get dried off.

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