Part 1: Replacement

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This will be from Y/n's pov just so you know :)

(It is also unedited so sorry for any grammatical errors)


It was exactly five months since Emilys death. Today we're meeting a new agent, and quite honestly I don't understand why they're so quick to just replace Emily. I was out of work for a little over a month after she passed. I couldn't handle the pain, the reminders, it was just too much. I walk through the doors and head to my desk. Morgan starts walking up to me,

"hey mama, how are you?" he's been checking up on me a lot recently, but I don't really mind.

"New Agent comes today, right?" I say trying to hide my complete irritation about the whole thing.

"Yeah, I think she's already here actually. In Hotch's office" he nods his head up towards Hotch's office door.

"She?" I say slightly taken back. I then turn and see the door open. Aaron walks out with a dark haired woman. She was wearing a black blazer and slacks with a white button down underneath. They start to approach my desk.

"Dr. Blake, these are Agents Y/L/N and Morgan" Hotch says.

"Alex Blake, pleasure to meet you both" she smiles. Morgan shakes her hand and I simply give a hesitant nod and forced smile.

"Blake, your desk is right there." Hotch nods towards Emilys desk.

"What? That's Emily's desk Hotch." I say as rage starts to consume me.

"Y/N my office. Now." Hotch says and I follow him. We both go in and he closes the door.

"Hotch you can't be serious?" I ask completely flabbergasted.

"Y/n you need to get it together. I understand that you're hurting. I really do. But you need to act professional." He says sternly.

"its Emilys desk" I whisper while sitting down in the chair burying my face in my hands as tears start to pour out. I lift my head up and wipe my eyes.

"I am sorry sir. I am fine. really" I lie

"Go home" he says trying to be compassionate.

"No. I need to work Hotch. I promise, I'll pull it together" and he looks at me hesitantly.

"If you're sure." he pauses before saying "and if it would make you feel better, Blake can take your desk and you can take Emilys"

"Thank you Aaron" I smile, a rather painful smile I must admit. I walk out and go to my desk. Blake and Morgan are talking and I start collecting the things from my desk and move them over to Emily's.

"You can use this one" I say to her and point to my old one. Morgan shoots me a look. I can't tell if he thinks I'm being dramatic or if he feels bad that this is affecting me this much.

"Thank you" Alex sets her stuff down.

A few moments later JJ comes over and tells us we have a case in Milwaukee. As Garcia is debriefing us I glance over at Alex and she quick turns away. 'what is she staring at' I thought to myself growing annoyed. The unsub is murdering families where there's an absentee father.

"Alright, I want wheels up in thirty"Hotch says and we all disperse.

30 Minutes later

Everyone is talking about the case, and Reid starts rambling about some statistic. I glance over and sure enough she's staring at me. I shoot her a look, which unfortunately Hotch saw, because then I got a look from him. We were 20 minutes from landing and Hotch is assigning us our tasks, when he says

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