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(Back to Americas PoV)

I sit on a chair beside Maxon's hospital bed. Why would he leave without telling me? I'm crying, my makeup is smeared. I haven't been out of here since we got back, I couldn't leave Maxon. My doctors want me to rest, but I keep telling them to go away.

Maxon moves interrupting me from my thoughts and slowly opens his eyes.

"My dear, why are you crying?" he asks

"I'm not your dear." I say somehow with a smile "I'm happy you're okay."

"I'm happy you're okay. Why would you come after me?"

"I couldn't lose you." I lean down to kiss him. He's so pale and weak. I'm so glad he's home. "You were gone for three days. I left the first night and haven't been back since I found you."

"America. You can't do that. You're pregnant, you must watch out for yourself. I can't lose you either." he smiles.

"Alright." I kiss him again before a nurse comes in and calls some doctors in. They push me away to check on Maxon.

I'm relieved that he's okay and safe, but he's right I have to take care of myself. I can barely keep my eyes open I'm so tired. I go out into the hall where Aspen is.

"Hey Aspen." I say my eyes feeling heavy.

"Hey Mer, is Maxon okay?" he asks and I nod. He notices my tiredness "Come on, I'll carry you to bed. You've had a ruff few days." Before I can reply, he picks me up and is walking down the hall. I rest my head against his chest.

"Thanks." I say as we reach my room. He puts me down and opens the door. I walk in and he follows.

I go to the bed, crawling under the blankets, not bothering to change out of my clothes. Aspen brings the blankets to my chin and kisses my forehead.

"You're welcome, Mer." he says before he leaves. I fall asleep as soon as he's gone.


I wake up late the next day, it's 11:16pm I must have slept all day. When I open my eyes I see Maxon by our dresser. Why isn't he in the hospital wing? He goes to the door, I notice him carrying a few old books before he leaves.

I get curious so I follow, taking off my shoes so I don't make any noise. I run after him trying not to lose him.

I hide behind a corner as I see him going out into the gardens with lots of books. He had to negotiate with the guards first to let him out, though. It reminds me of the first time we met. I push the thought out of my head trying to stay focused. Now my turn to get past the guards.

"Queen America, we cannot let you outside this late at night." One guard says.

"King Maxon wanted me to meet him outside." I lie. They both look at each other. The one who spoke before gives a nod and the other opens the door.

"Be back soon, Your Majesty." the same guard says.

"Just America and I will. Thank you." I say before the door closes behind me.

I try to find Maxon. I almost give up, but then I see a light in the distance. I run toward the light trying not to trip. I'm almost to Maxon, noticing we aren't on palace grounds anymore, when I see another figure. I hide behind a bush near them. Close enough to hear the conversation.

"And we meet again." The other voice says.

"So we have." Maxon replies "I have the journals. Take them and go." Journals? Mr. Illèa's journals! Oh why is he giving them to this...this Rebel?!

"Gladly." the rebel replies. He starts to walk away "One last thing, though." he turns back. I can only see behind the bush him pulling something out of i think his pocket. I know what it is immediately. Maxon is frozen as a gun is pointed at him.

"No!" I scream. I jump in front of Maxon as the gun goes off.

Everything's a blur. I hear Maxon screaming, he holds me. I hear footsteps running. Guards are coming. The rebel runs. I don't feel anything, not even the pain that I know is there. The last thing I remember are the bright stars in the sky.


End of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I didn't read through it so sorry for the typos!! sorry it's short.

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