Truth or Laser Shark

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I woke up to Dawn and Dakota yelling  back and forth.

Dawn: Really? Oh, no!

Dakota: will you keep it down! If I don't get my beauty sleep, I'll lose it.

Dawn: Yes, because your need for fame, is really a depressed cry for love.

Dakota: Who told you that! My therapist?

Dawn: I see people's auras, and it looks like someone threw up on yours.

Dakota Oh, go eat a worm!


F/N: Should I go looking for that immunity statue? Probably, but with my strategy I know that I could go, 3-4 rounds of losing with only a 6.53% chance of getting voted off. Of course, it goes up way higher depending on what I did to cause our failure, so that would be 78.98% divided by-

F/N: Hey! How'd you'd manage to sneak that in?

Anne: Easy! I hide it in my poof.

She then took out her hairspray and started to spray it everywhere. Soon a loud horn was heard

Chris: up and at 'em my little morning glories. Time for todays challenge.

Lightning: What?! But lightning hasn't had his DPA!

F/N: Excuse me?

Lightning: Daily protein Allotment, duh!

Dakota: And I haven't had enough beauty sleep.

Sam: c'mon you look - - Great Sons of Orion!

Chris: you can catch up on your beauty sleep after the challenge. Right this way to the Bay of Dismay!

All: Awwww!!

I just started walking, Dawn was talking to the fireflies all night long. I just wanted to get her out of here. After awhile of walking Zoey turned to me and Mike.

Zoey: Bay of Dismay?! Yikes. Sounds like one of those fight locations in Total Warriors 2.

Mike: You like action movie?! If you're into Ultimate kick boxing, I may have to marry you!

F/N: Aww how cute!

I still had to keep up the good act, but I could let some harshness out and blame it on sleep deprivation. While thinking I "accidently" bump into Scott.

F/N: So what's your plan to win.

Scott: You go first!

F/N: Be nice to everybody to lend them into a false sense of hope, then when the time comes everybody will know my true intentions. I would say some percentages to back up my statement, but I don't want to explode whatever's left in your mind.

Scott: How do you know I won't tell your teammates your plan.

F/N: Because my plan can get rid of that. If I have practically everybody on my teams trust, there is only a 2.82% of suspicions about me being bad. If you tell my teammates the rate only goes to about 5.67%. I mean who are you gonna believe, somebody who saved your team multiple times or one of the opposite team member. So tell them, I dare you too.

I said without even looking at him. I then walk ahead leaving him in my dust. As we get to the dock, Chris explains how the challenge works. 

Chris: Welcome to the ‘Getting to Know You Trivia Game Challenge!’ Everyone strapped in all nice and snug?

Scott; Too snug. It’s cutting into my shoulders.

Chris: Yeah, children sized harnesses will do that. *chuckles* I’ll be asking our players embarrassing and flat out exposing questions. And I mean majorly humiliating. If the player I’m talking about hits the poorly wired buzzer and owns their humiliation before the time runs out, their team gets a point. First team to five points wins part one and a distinct advantage in part two. But if no one owns up, this happens…

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