Grand Chef Auto

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After yesterday, I was able to sleep soundly. Yet I still awoke to an annoying wail alarm.

F/n: Now that Dakota is gone, my other strategy can get put into place. That alligator would have came in handy if Dakota wasn't there. If you hurt the players enough, they get sent home. It's best if its done by natural causes, it less messy.

As I walk outside, I stand near Mike and Cameron.

Chris: good morning Campers. Today we have a special treat.

Lightning: Fantasy Football?

Zoey: Espressos?

Scott: helicopter bear hunt.

Chris: nope. It's merge day. No more team rat, no more team maggot. From now on, it's every man, woman, and Cameron for himself. Chef drop it like it's hot.

A cartoon whistling sound was hard above my team. Looking up, a solid cube came crashing towards us, but we all jumped out the way.

Y/n: you crushed our cabin with a giant cinder block?

Chris: I had a bunch left over from building a monument for myself. I call it Mount Chrismore. From now on, you'll be sharing one tiny, cruddy little cabin.

Zoey: but all our stuff as in there!

Chris: Yes! And because I am nice and not heartless, I'll help you get it out. One McLean brand pickaxe, children size. Enjoy, later tatters.

Y/n: Hey Jo. Now that the team are disband, if you ever need a little brain to your brawn, I'm the gal.

Jo: No thanks, you ugh...whatever.

Soon Chris came back and we all stood in a line.

Chris: Challenge time. All about grabbin' em and taggin' em. To show you how it's done, I give you a total dramas favorite juvenile delinquent...Duncan. Duncan owes me some camera time for skipping out on Total Drama World Tour, so I saved an extra painful challenge demo just for him.

Duncan: eat dirt McLean.

Chris: no that's your job. First up the smash and grab! Hidden somewhere in the mess hall kitchen are six keys to Chef's prize collection of vintage go karts. Some drive like well-oiled machines. Others...not so much.

Chef: Chris don't let these clown drive my karts! They're gonna smash 'em.

Chris: yes.. and car crashes equals ratings! Double time, Duncan! Chef... let this perp out on a day pass.

Chef walks over and unties Duncan, who begins to run away.

Duncan: later losers!

Chris: okay, probably should have seen that coming.

Scott pulls mike next to him, and whispers something I can't hear.

Chris: players, commence Smashing and or grabbing....NOW!

We all began to run in, people started to check for keys in different spots. The first place checked was under the sink, but from the corner of my eye, I could see Scott looking into a room that Mike just opened.

I rolled by eyes and began to check the small space again. I saw something shining so I grabbed it.

Y/n: Found on- AHhhhH

In my hand there was a large, child size cockroach and it bite my hand. I started to freak out and run around waving my arm around. I could feel myself kicking a metal can and heard a gasp, than the bug jumped off.

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