65 Let Me Take You On A Date

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Warning: this chapter is cringy af I. My opinion!

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Jungkook makes the first stop at a really nice looking cafe. One thing that I have heard about Seoul is it's cute and amazing cafes all around the city. It is not a joke in real. I have seen so many cafes on my way here that I lost count of- all cute looking with different and brilliant themes.

The interior of cafe we're in is relaxing in contrast with the traffic and heat outside on the road. And after spending more than fifteen minutes on a bike ride, this feels like a heaven. Everything is a combination of whites and browns and golden. Lights are pretty and the music in the background sounds distant, yet very clear. The aroma of coffee instantly waters my mouth and my stomach growls discreetly when I look at the counter where sugar glazed croissants and delicious looking cakes are laid. Didn't I eat like thirty minutes ago?

"Cold coffee and whipped cream?" Jungkook asks making me startled. Oh he knows me so well.

"Yes please." I bat my lashes up at him and I guess he caught me drooling over croissants and cakes now that he laughs amusingly at me to which I just roll my eyes.

"Will be in a minute." He winks. "Have a seat," he walks over to a seat corner to the public eye and open to the city road outside, "my lady." I suppress my laughter when he dramatically pulls a chair out and I begin to feel embarrassed for no particular reason.

"You're a dick." I mumble sitting on the wooden chair.

He gasps. "Even though I am a dick, I show you respect and you give me attitude!" He exclaims. "I was right, you're hard to please."

"Would you stop fooling around and get me my cold coffee and damn croissants, please?"

"So much of a disrespect." Jungkook mumbles walking away. He sure is the most handsome man I have ever come across with. I mean, just look at the way he walks for god's sake! Even his ass is sexier than most of the girls out there. I guess the amount of squats he pulls really pays it off.

The buzzing of my phone pulls me out of my trans where I was shamelessly eyeing my boyfriend. I receive a call from Namjoon.

"You sure do have a habit of calling in the wrong time." I speak making sure Jungkook is no coming to the table anytime soon. The long line he is standing in is enough for me to take this call.

"How's JK?" Namjoon asks in a small voice.

"You're aware that you don't get to ask this question?"

He sighs. "I know," he pauses- only for a second or two, "just want to know if he is fine or not."

I scoff, annoyed. "He is with me. Of course he is fine." Jungkook finally reaches to the counter and flashes me a beautiful smile when he catches me staring at him. I smile back. He is with me, he must be fine- I repeat to myself. "You didn't call me to ask this now did you?"

"Fortunately no." He replies in his 'back-to-business' tone. For a second I thought he said 'unfortunately' and I was about to leash out on him. "Hobi might have found where Rony is."

"What do you mean by 'might have found'? Hasn't he found him yet?"

"He has been working on it for a while now. Rony is not some amateur player, Eli."

"Yeah," I reply, "he fooled the great Kim Namjoon, so he isn't much of a small player I guess."

He sighs again. Am I being too rude? Well, he deserves that.

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