Chapter 9

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The full moon hung proudly in the sky, accompanied by the howl of a coyote in the near distance.

Had no idea what madness drove you to agree to this, really, you didn't. Maybe it was loneliness or boredom, or the fact you hated sitting around doing nothing.

Gale Weathers had been the one to ask you to join her on her ride to this nice, low ranch tucked away in the valley. Jennifer's house, which was filled with actors and actresses you didn't like.

You really hoped this wouldn't blow up in your face.

Case in point. Tom Prinze, who was loaded off his ass and held a still half-filled bottle of Johny Walker Black Label Scotch in his hand, came striding over to you two with a condescending look on his face. "Gale Weathers. What a surprise."

The stench of alcohol coming from him made you cringe.

The man already seemed to know who you were because recognition flashed before his eyes, along with a hungry smirk that made you want to slap it right off. "If it isn't (Y/N) (L/N) herself. Can I get a photograph?"

Before you could oh so kindly turn down his request, Gale stepped in. "Tom Prince, tanked as usual. That's a shocker."

"I really liked thay piece you did on me last month," he lazily smiled down at her, sarcasm laced in each and every word. "The one where you said my car accident was caused by me drinking and doing drugs, and how I faked the tire blow-out just so my insurance wouldn't sky rocket."

Gale gladly returned his fake smile with one of her own. "Hah, well, that's TV journalism for ya. Stage the news to boost ratings."

"Really, cause that stunt lost me the lead role in Edward Polanski's latest picture, huh." Tom tutted in a patronising tone. "Fuck, because of your big mouth I'm here, drinking piss wafer scotch with second-rate fucking celibrities like Jennifer Jollie and yourself!"

Gale shoved his chest as you stood by her side awkwardly, chewing on the inside or your cheek as she started to walk into the house. "I think we should go inside. I have to have a talk with the cast. All of you."

Tom laughed mirthlessly, tossing the now empty bottle aside. "You mean what's left of us."

What a freak.

It turned out it could get even worse because just as you followed Gale inside, Jennifer was crying hysterically and when Gale appeared in her vision, the girl looked up with anger written all over her gaudy, over rouged face as her make up ran out in a comical way.

If looks could kill, Gale would be frozen into frostbite. "You! How can I ever get any fame playing you!"

Oh, you already knew where this was headed.

Sure enough, Gale was quick with her snarky comeback. "What's wrong, Jen? See yourself on one of those USA Network winners you did and realize how badly you suck at acting?"

"God damn you Gale Weathers! Don't you see?" Jennifer sniffed, blowing out a long breath through her nose. "The killer is choosing his victims as they die in the script! I'm next!"

Feeling kind of bad for her, you step up and try to assure her gently. "It's okay, Jen. You'll be fine–"

Jennifer now turned her seething glare at you and scowled. "Oh if it isn't Miss (L/N)! You shouldn't be fucking worried because spoiler, you live through the movie! Absolutely fucking nothing about this is okay!"

You were taken aback by her outburst as your eyes loweredwith your shoulders slumping. The pity you had for her had instantly crumbled.

What a bitch, no wonder she was playing Gale.

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