:Greek God Zilla:

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Chapter 1: Greek God Zilla

I jolt awake, crying out into the inky abyss in front of me. Nothing but darkness surrounded me as I lay astray on my tousled sheets, sweat draining from my forehead.

"It's just another nightmare.." I whisper repeatedly into the darkness as my body began to calm. I rubbed my clammy palms together furiously. I crawl back under the covers and stuff my head into the pillow, allowing myself to fall into another restless sleep.


I hear the sound of my alarm, ripping me out of my slumber violently. While groaning I roll over, but to my surprise I was already as close to the end of my bed I could get and me being the most clumsy person alive,


The squeak of my bedroom door signals that my father decided to see what all of the noise was, even though this was pretty normal of a morning for me.

"Jessica, what are you doing on the floor?" He asked, obviously amused, yeah good for him, thanks for laughing while i'm in pain. Me and my dad have been really close all my life, since my mother isn't in the picture. Having just a dad is hard, but I mean he's not too bad, he's taught me things my mom would teach me anyway.

"I fell." I say trying to keep a straight face but my smile was revealed after his booming infectious laugh. We both sat there laughing for awhile until I made him leave so I could get dressed. I'm used to being the new kid, we always have to move around or my dads job, sometimes he just leaves me at home alone for a few weeks, sometimes a month when he has court cases in different states. I really wasn't ready for today at all. I mean who names their school "JasonFall"? Even worse, it's a small town but of course my dad bought the biggest house in the entire state.

He's always been very fond of his money and uses it when he can. My dad enjoys showing off his salary, like my sweet 16 party, yeah he went overboard, let's just say me and Beyonce are best friends now. Him spending a ton of money here and there gets a little annoying, but what else would he do with it, right?

I saunter tiredly to my closet and slip a pair of jeans off of my white hanger. Since we moved here I haven't been able to add any color to my room, so it's just a plain white, and I mean everything is just white and black. I search for a shirt to wear and decide on a nice, baggy red t-shirt. I quickly throw on the outfit I previously picked out and looked at my earring rack. I choose a pair of red bows and slip those into my ears. I smile in the mirror and finish up my hair and makeup, then check the clock.

"Oh my god!" I yell loudly and zip around my room like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I throw on a scarf and speed downstairs, stumbling on the last step of course, I giggle a bit as I reach for an apple and head outside. I slump into my car and start up the engine. I'm late, of course. What a great way to start off a first day.

* * *

"Alright class, can someone tell me what 246 to the third power is please?" No one in the class raised their hand. I mean absolutely no one. I did the math quickly in my head and raised my hand shyly.

"Yes, Jessica?" Mrs. Moen asked expectantly.

"The answer is 14,886,936." I say quickly and she smiles.

"Correct." She says and turns around to face the board again and I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. But of course, the entire class was staring at me like I was some alien from outer space. Well great, it's first hour and I've already became a new piece of gossip. Suddenly, I feel a poke from behind me and I turn around to see a girl, who was very excited I might add.

"Hi! You're new i'm guessing? Oh my where are you from? What brings you here? How did you know that? How did you do that so fast? You're really pretty. Sorry i'm rambling, huh? My name is Alexandria but you can call me Alex." She holds out her hand for me to shake and I hastily grasp it. She sure asks a lot of questions..

"Jessica, do you wanna meet up after school and I can answer all of those questions for you." I smile and she nods frantically.

"I'll catch up with you later, bye Jess!" She says as the bell rings. I laugh to myself quietly. Look at that, I made a new friend, and she's almost as weird as me. I smile to myself as I walk down the hallway to my next class, Spanish should be fun right? For some reason my friends from my old school pop up in my head, making my mind wander off to places it doesn't belong right now. Moving to another state is really hard, especially leaving everyone, well specifically-

"Hey watch it!" I hear as I crash into a rock hard chest. I look up and see who it is, it's a guy, he's really tall but also like perfect.

"Get out of my way newbie. You're not worth my time." He says as he walks past me and saunters off. Ouch, someones on their man-period. That is someone I don't want to be associated with. I continue walking to Spanish and keep my head hung low, watching where i'm walking carefully, scared to have another encounter with Greek God Zilla.

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