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February 2015-Arrive

"Tasha! Calm down! You'll be fine! I'll be there in 5 so be ready. And take a chill pill! Literally." says Hannah. She's my best friend and always knows how to handle me in these situations. She's not a dancer but she takes me to all my competitions and recitals.

"Okay, bag, make up, shoes, pins, sewing kit, hair-, HAIRSPRAY! WHERES MY-"

"Hairspray?" Hannah says, walking in and relieving my stress. Gosh, she always does that.

"Hey! Okay so we need to leave now or I'm going to have a panic attack. And major anxiety. If you don't want me throwing up in your car, I recommend leaving now. "

Oh, yea. When I get really bad anxiety, I throw up. And I have a fear of throwing up. Double wammy. That's why she literally ment take a chill pill.

Anyway, we step into her grey Honda and begin to drive to YAGP. I'm actually pretty calm so far. Maybe I can do this. Maybe I'll be the best dancer out there. Hahaha, yea right. But I can dream.

"So, you ready?" asks Hannah almost like she's nervous for me.
"I guess. I just hope I remember everything Ms. Julie corrected me on yesterday."
"You will. Don't worry. I'll buy you a Pepsi after so just get it over with!" exclaims Hannah.
Man I love Pepsi. Honestly, dancers have a HORRIBLE diet. My diet consists of microwave dinners and energy drinks. Dancers have no time to eat so all we eat is all that "on the go" shit.

"Yay we're here!!!!!" I exclaim. The building is beautiful. Elegantly structured. While walking up, the smell of hairspray and caked on foundation fills the air. Beautiful headpieces bounce on peoples' heads while walking up the stairs. I walk in and the chaos begins. People running around yelling,"Where's my makeup! Where's my headpiece?! Mom your hurting me! Your doing it wrong! My hair looks like crap! I hate you!"

Good thing I know how to control my temper in situations like this, or I would probably be the same.
"Hey Hannah can you zip up my costume?"
"Sure! Wow, that costume is gorgeous. You're really going to shine."
"Aww thanks Hannah."
"No prob! Alright you're on in 20 so go warm up and I'll take my seat."
"And Tasha,"
"Dance for your sister. She'll really enjoy this."
"I will"

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