Sunday, 1st August, 2021

16 2 0

Sup mother duckers!

I tried shifting last night!

Soooo, uh this is my first shifting log I have posted in this book lol. 

Exciting news so read on....

SO! last night I tried the Alice in wonderland method (if you don't know what that is just comment and I will post a chapter on it soon). But before I tried this I did a hogwarts guided meditation and when I opened my eyes after meditating my room was all blurry and I felt disoriented so IDK WHAT HAPPENED, I prolly should've just kept my eyes closed and said affirmations to myself instead of opening my eyes but it is what it is. SO! Back to the actual method. I was half asleep so I decided to just try and shift and whatever happens happens. As I was falling down the rabbit hole I felt a feeling of like positivity go through me, and I got really excited, anyways, when I  started to envision my dr room after i went through the door, I started to feel my hands/arms go numb and I couldn't even feel my bed sheets on me anymore. So i decided to try something else and do a 360 look around my room and reallyyyyy envision it (idk if i am even making sense and if i have lost you I'm sorry lol) . Then I got into my dr bed and felt waves of sum shit go over me so I was like holy shit am I actually gonna shift, but then when I had finished the actual method and was just saying affirmations to myself, I started to get uncomfortable because I can't focking sleep on my back! So i moved and accidentally broke myself out of my zone :'(. BUT I AM CONVINCED I WAS GONNA SHIFT SO I AM TRYING AGAIN TONIGHT! 

Now I am gonna go do my homework for literally every subject I take (and i am only in year 7, mind you), then do a guided meditation and try this shit again. I will be back with an update tomorrow!

- xoxo, i love u my little chickens, from your own personal sleepy the dwarf, Chloe <33 

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