In College

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I woke up to loud music playing. Taylor Swift. Wildest Dreams. For a second I dreaded my existence, knowing my mother would be waiting for me downstairs..

I sat up on my surprisingly soft bed. Hm. I rubbed my (e/c) eyes before stretching and slowly opening them. It took a minute or two to adjust to the light. A minute or two before I realised... where was I? My eyes danced around the room, it was so different from my usual surroundings. Instead of the broken glass all over the cement floor of my room, it was hardwood with a white fluffy carpet. Instead of the holes in my walls, vines and beautiful pictures were askew.

"Where... am i?" I asked myself, trying to tack my mind for where the hell i could possibly be. "Good Morning, my dear" a deep voice said, causing me to jump and pull me from my thoughts. My vision led me to him. Oh, him. I could feel the corners of my mouth turning up. "Good Morning, Mr. Legofrogi." I squeaked out, my face reddening due to the state in which I was found. Almost immediately I pulled the covers to my chest. "Don't be so shy, it's nothing I've never seen before... you're flatter than a board anyways." Instantaneously I felt a twinge of pain. Oh how his words hurt but felt so... sickeningly good.

"Get dressed. We leave in 15 minutes." the ginger said before swiftly exiting the room I now called mine. "Leave?" I asked myself softly, "leave for where?" I didn't bother myself with thinking much, I just got up and walked to my closet. It was giant. I was in love. Swiftly, I grabbed the handle of the french doors and pulled open. My old clothes weren't here, despite me clearly packing them. I shrugged and started pulling random pieces out. One thing that intrigued me most was a cute green cardigan with eccentric patterning. I was in love

I found myself in a white cropped turtleneck tank, jorts, pulled together with a black belt. I pulled the cardigan on and admired myself in the mirror where I saw the reflection of a backpack stocked with books along with a note on it. "Take me. You'll need me." It read. I hummed before grabbed the bag and slipping my classic vans on. I was about to run out the door before something caught my attention. A black beanie with a tag that had a name on it.. "Seb?" I read it quietly to myself before smiling at it and tossing it on. I looked good.

(what y/n is wearing)

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(what y/n is wearing)

Once I was downstairs I saw him, waiting for me. He dawned one of his beautiful and meticulous outfits. "Hey." I said nonchalantly with a nod, which earned me his hands on the back of my neck, lowering me to the ground. It was so quick and silent I could barely register what was happening until I was at belt level. My breath hitched in my throat and I looked to the ground as if it were the most interesting thing I have ever seen. "When you address me, you will address me as Mr. Legofrogi," his voice growled lowly and I felt my knees grow week "do you understand me?" "Yes." the pressure on my neck grew "Yes, Mr. Legofrogi" I then heard a low chuckle and the pressure was gone, "What a good pet."

I gathered myself and stood to look him in the eyes. How.. HOW DARE HE. HOW DARE HE .. make me melt. With his unkind actions, it's unfair. I know I can either grow to resent him.. or love him.
"Lower your gaze, unless you'd rather face worse consequences." I don't know why, but I did as told. Which only caused him to laugh again. Well, anything was better than being with my evil mother. At least he wasn't uneasy on the eyes. "Now, let's go. We don't want to be late." He said before ushering me outside and into the backseat of his personal limo. "Mr. Legofrogi?" I asked, with a softer voice than I wanted to present, "Yes, my pet?" I swallowed hard, he was looking out the tinted window "Where are we headed." he turned his gaze from the window to me "Oh, you'll see".

———————————Time Skip——————————

We suddenly came to a halt. I hadn't realised that I fell asleep, thank god I am all natural and don't wear any caked on makeup that could've possibly been smudged during the ride.

"We're here, Mr. Legofrogi." The man who drove us stated after lowering his little window so we could hear him. "Um? where is 'here'??" I asked, with no answer to no one's surprise. "Thank you, Tamoria, be back no later than three." Mr. Legofrogi said before the door was opened by someone who looked exactly like the driver. "(y/n), let's go." I furrowed my (b/c) brows before reluctantly following him as he stepped out of the vehicle. As soon as I took in my surroundings I realised where we were, "Harvard Law School?" Mr. Legofrogi smirked, "Harvard? What am I doing here?" Mr. Legofrogi shrugged, "Why else would a young lady be at a college? To learn, idiot!" "I never even applied!" "I have my ways."

I felt so overwhelmed, why would he do this? My mother never planned on sending me to college. I never planned on even going to college! What the hell was he doing? "What the hell are you even doing?!" I blurted at him, causing him to raise an eyebrow, "Who the hell do you think you're talking to? You should be grateful for all I've done for you." I chewed mg bottom lip and quickly felt shame. "Now," he shoved a tablet into my arms "your schedule is right here." I nodded and quickly skimmed it. I was so distracted by the words on the screen that the only thing that drew me out was hot breath on my ear, "I'd get going if I were you, first class starts in 15 minutes and this campus is huge" I almost jumped out of my skin. His breath sent cold chills down my spine and I was in trance for a second.. before realising what exactly he has said.

"Shit!" I exclaimed upon seeing his back tuned to me, he was just leaving me on my own. If he's paying for this, might as well take advantage of it.

I took off, clutching the tablet to my chest after lazily looking up directions. My eyes were so glued to the tablet that I couldn't even notice the tall man.. until my ass was crashing on the ground that is. I winced in pain for a second before looking up, my eyes meeting his. He wore glasses.. he was kinda cute in a nerdy way. I saw his gorgeous blue eyes scan my face, my breath caught in my throat, "a- are you okay?" I asked while getting up and using my free hand to dust myself. He nodded to me and coughed to clear his throat "Uh, yeah I j- just-" he then abruptly stopped. Odd. Maybe Harvard students are just weird. I gave him an awkward, but as warm a smile as I could muster "Uh?? See you around!" I looked back at my tablet. Shit. Five minutes wasted. I then took the hell off. I would not embarrass myself. Not here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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