𝑺𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏 | 16

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The missing person cases were building. Lucky for Cole, Zaria has been under control for the past three months after her incident. It seemed that she had invested her time into Trevor and Ava. Doing whatever she could to keep Maria away. Yeah, there was no new case yet, but the family members of the existing ones were getting irritated with Cole having nothing to go on. He couldn't believe he was helping Trevor and Owen cover up a serial killer's mess. He had to be just as crazy as them. Then again, look at all the other shit he had done, and now he was sitting at the dining room table eating dinner with the three with was. Not to mention his wife, who was always covering for her.

"Cole, ya look stress. Your wife not giving you any?" Owen laughed, making Samantha throw a pea at his head.

"Why is everything about sex with you, Owen?" Sam asked as Wen smiled, turning back to Cole.

"I think that is you, my friend... Wait, I forgot you don't have a wife, and the man's a whore Baby. He thinks with his dick," Cole laughed, making Trevor and Sam laughed with him. Zaria just stared down at the floor quietly.

"Trev, I don't see why your ass is laughing. You hav a whole wife that's not giving you ass, and she has a lot of it," Owen said. Trevor, Sam, and Cole glared at him as Ria quickly got up, leaving the table looking as she was crying.

"You just had to open your trap. Didn't ya? Dam Wen, she's been doing good, and ya had to remind the gal of what she's not doing. Trevor, go get your gal," Sam said as she and Cole shook their heads. Owen was always ruining shit with his big ass mouth, stating the obvious like everyone in the didn't already know.

Trevor sighed to himself as he stood. "Owen, we're goin' to have a fuckin' talk. Shit, man, you're her doctor. Ya should know what not to say around her. Drunk or not."

"I'm not drunk."

"Well, ya being fuckin' dumb!"

"Yeah fuck you, Trevor! A man is just trying to have fun," Owen said as they all sighed.

"Well, you just trying to have fun made my bestie upset Wen. Think before you speak sumtimes," Sam said, making Cole and Trev agree. Owen nodded, rubbing his hands down his face as Trevor made his way to the stairs.




The first thing he did was check-in Ava's room. Normally when Ria got upset, she would go there and sit, just to watch her sleep. Ava was sleeping peacefully in her bed as she should have been with Buster lying in front of her bed. Ria was nowhere in sight. His next stop was her room, which she wasn't there either. He knew Ria came up the steps. It was only four bedrooms up there. All the others were downstairs, and there was no way she was in the guest room because she hated it there, so the only other room was his. Slowly Trev opened his door, seeing Zaria sitting in the middle of the floor with his phone playing a game that he didn't give to her.

"You stole my phone Ria... Or are you Sky tonight?" He asked. Trevor had to make sure. Three months ago, he was introduced to Skylar, who Owen first claimed Ria was trying to get her way. It was before her breakdown was why he wasn't surprised about the split personalities. Trev found out on his own that Sky was an eight-year girl locked away in Zaria's mind. She was a quiet girl that loved to play with Buster and on his phone. One of the personalities that Owen was working on suppressing. Although he never met the rest, as Owen did. Plus, it would be weird to Trevor if that personality popped up if he and Zaria ever got intimate.

"No, it's just Zaria Tamira tonight as it has been for the last three months. Can they leave now? I'm tired of Owen's mouth. I think he likes saying shit that he thinks can get to me, Trev. Sumtimes I wish I could ask for a different doctor. I love Owen, but I just get tired of being reminded by him that I'm still a virgin at twenty-five."

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