𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦-𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 | 33

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Weeks went by and still, there was no news about Simon. The man knew what he was doing, and the state police were growing tiresome of waiting. It seemed that they were only there to clean up the man's mess and nothing more. So, they decide it was time to pack up and go. Miles on the other hand stayed. It was still more to learn about Zaria and the only thing he was getting out of all of them was she was mistreated as a child.

"Is everyone gone?" Zaria stiffens hearing the man's voice behind her. The girl must have thought she was home alone with the children as she slowly turn to Miles.

"No, they are out on the farm doing work as you should be doing. I thought my husband made it clear if you are going to stay here you are to work. Nothing is free around here." Ria said making Miles nod.

"I did my morning chores as your husband ask Mrs. Roberts. Feed your wild chickens and those evil ass sheep. I came in for breakfast and a break as I was instructed to by Mandy." Zaria sighed pushing his plate over to him as she went to her son and handed Ava a bowl of fruit.

"Stop watching my babies like some type of weirdo Detec...."

"Ben.... My name is Ben. Miles is so formal wouldn't you say. If we are going to be staying in the same place for a while. You may as well call me by my first name and maybe you can tell me a little more about yourself." He said as Zaria stared at him like he lost his fucking mind.

"I told you there is nothing to know about me, Ben. You want to accuse me of something...."

"That you did, and you know you did it, Zaria. You may have these folks here blinded by your beautiful face and innocent act, but I can see past it. I can see the evil that dwells deep down inside of you. Why did you kill all of those people? Did they do something do you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about Detective." Mile shook his head as he place a picture on the counter of Felicia's disfigured stabbed body. He watched as Zaria quickly turn to the sink throwing up.

"You did that. You killed your mother. Why?"

"Why are you doing this? Did I do something to you?" She asked as he shook his head once more. Zaria sighed taking her son out of the bouncer to feed him. All at the same time Miles watched her occasionally wiping her tears.

"If you don't talk to me all of this could come back and bite you in the ass, Zaria. I need to know what I am up against if I'm going to help you. Yeah if we catch Simon we can pin all of the murders on him. What if more pieces of evidence pop up and something points to another killer? I did some research on you, Ria. Forensics... you majored in forensics. Do you know what that tells me? You are the perfect serial killer. One that knows how to clean the crime scene without a trace. Exactly what our killer was doing. Also, the cleaning supplies under the sink and in the basement tell me it was you."

Zaria swallowed hard looking from Miles to Tristan in her arms then back at Ava eating happily in her highchair. She was at a standstill not knowing if she could trust Miles as she could with Kat, Cole, and Jolie. This was the man that was hellbent on locking her away but now he claimed he wanted to help. All could have been lies, but he was connecting the pieces of her story. If could how many more could do the same.

"You wouldn't understand...."

"Try me, Zaria."

"I... I... I wasn't myself. She did it." Ria said making Miles stare at her confused. The whole time Zaria looked down at her son with tears running down her face. "I don't want to lose my family Detective. I fear if I do she will come back. I don't want that... I don't want that. Trevor makes me happy... makes us happy and if they are happy. They stay away...."

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