Where are we?

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When bakubabe woke up and got done with his normal routine to go to UA- but quicker because he was running late- so when he got there he expected four-eyes to tell at him to come early from now on or his class begin a complete zoo like normal. Instead he found an empty classroom with a note of the podium. He walked there and read the note ' There will be no classes today so go back home ' so bakubaby went home and got into comfy clothes and went back to bed.


Class 1-A was chaotic per usual but they were missing a student which confused them because said student came on time and never missed class even if something bad happened to him. Then suddenly Mina screamed and all eyes went to her asking "what happened" or "why are you screaming" though all Mina did was point in a direction so they all turned and saw a big portal thinking the villains where going to come out of it, they got into their fighting positions. The portal had its own mind because it just got bigger and sucked all if class 1-a in to itself. As they fell into the mystery room they saw...

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