Chaper:14 roxy is FINALLY here.

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**sup homies. Enjoy**
"Thanks you foxy, I love you" I said getting in the car. "I really love u chcia" he said.
*TIME SKIP( 1 day)*
"Chcia! I have good news!" Mike said coming in the cove. "Yes?!" I asked. a little girl walked around the Cornier. "Momy?" Roxy said. "My little babe" I said holding out my hands. i hugged her. "Foxy!" I said. "Yes lass?" He said walking out the cove. "Awe hi little lass." Foxy said grabbing her. "Dady!" Roxy said. "Foxy, we finally have a family." I said hugging him.
**time skip because I want to😂*
"Mommy wake up, wake up!" Roxy said jumping on me. "Ok ok!!" I said getting out of bed half asleep. "Wake your dad up" I said. she ran back to the cove. "She is so cute Chica!" Mangle said. "Thanks" I said. "I wish me and bonnie can start a family" she said. "what do you want to eat.? " I asked. "I'm not hungry, thank you though." She said leaving the kitchen. i heard foxy yell. then roxy cry. I ran over to the cove. "FOXY!" I screamed. "I'm sorry" he said. roxy ran over to me. i walked away. "Mommy, why did dada do that." Roxy asked. "I don't know but let's forget about that ok?" I said. "Okay mommy."

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