Chapter 15: milo

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**thanks guys so much for 1.56k!**
"Sup mike" i said walking into mikes office. "Yes bonnie?" he said. "Can you ua, make a kid for me and mangle?" I asked. "Sure thing bonnie" he said. I handed him the notebook. "Thanks bonnie, I'll get to work." he said. "Thanks so much mike." I said leaving. "Hey mangle I told mike." I said to mangle."thanks bonnie" she said hugging me. "I love you mangle" I said. "I love you more bonnie"
**Time is going by**
Okay so I've been thinking how to stop freddy. Hm I should....kill him! No too violent *😂😂* hm... I got it! I should tell him Bonnie and mangle are having a kid! "Hey freddy" I said walking on his room. "Hey chica" he said. "I have some news" I said. "Huh?" He asked. "Bonnie and mangle are havering a kid!" I said. "Wow, that great news" he said sadly. I just left. **chcia: bish does it look like I care nope**
"Hey bonnie" mike said walking in. "Yes?" I replied. "You might be having two kids" he said. "What!" I said in confused. "I have to tell mangle!" I said running to mangle. When I opened the door mangle was tied up.

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