Finding The Lead

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A few days went by and Nat had been searching for her leads, and sparring with Yelena and the others. She had been restless, desperate to put an end to Dreykov for good.

Yelena had noticed her sisters discomfort, and tried to distract her with training as much as possible. She didn't pry about Natasha's leads, she knew she would tell her when the time was right.

"Why do you always do that thing?" Yelena asked her sister.

"What thing?" Nat asked, confused.

"That thing you do when you're fighting." Yelena paused to crouch into some sort of stance. "You know, the...This thing you do with your hair." Yelena was flipping her hair up and down slowly whilst in a superhero stance, trying to contain her laughter.

"You do like a fighting pose!" Yelena exclaimed, laughing.

"No I don't." Nat replied.

"You have a fighting pose, you're a total poser." Yelena mocked.

"I'm not a poser." Natasha claimed, Yelena laughing at her sisters defensiveness.

After 2 more days of suspense Natasha was finally prepared to get the team ready. When she had secured her lead, she almost leaped from joy. She quickly got up, and strutted her way into the meeting room a where a few of the girls were relaxing.

"Suit up." Nat demanded them all, out of breath but also grinning widely.

"Why is your face doing that?" Yelena looked at Nat, slightly repulsed.

"I know how to find Dreykov." Nat stated, leaving the room in silence for what felt like eternity.

"You heard the woman, suit up." Yelena demanded playfully. Everyone stared at the sisters in astonishment, waiting for answers.

"Oh, right. How do we find Dreykov?" Yelena asked Natasha, sliding on her vest and filling its pockets.

"I had to take a little stroll down memory lane." Nat smirked to her sister, hoping she'd get the reference.

"I'm not following." Yelena replied confused.

"Melina! She worked as a right-hand to Dreykov for years, she'll know where he's hiding." Natasha said proudly.

Yelena wanted to be relieved that they were finally going to find Dreykov, but couldn't help but feel a wave of hurt hearing her adoptive Mother's name. Instead, she just nodded to her sister, and left to inform the others.

"Natasha has a lead. Let's go." Yelena ordered, barely making eye contact with the girls in the room and just grabbing ammunition.

"Woah hold on, aren't you going to tell us a bit more than that?" Monica questioned.

"No." Yelena said, leaving the room again to fire up the jets.

"Your earpieces are ready here Monica. Make sure everyone gets one." Darcy handed her a small box with little earpieces in side, enough for everybody.

"Thanks Darcy." Monica said, taking the box and leaving to find the others.

Natasha had 2 quinjets waiting outside, and was waiting for everybody to distribute the teams.

"All right listen up. This mission is nothing like we have ever done before. Expected the unexpected, and have each other's backs." Natasha began. "To find Dreykov we have to go meet someone who worked closely with him for years. She experienced the red room 4 times herself. She's our best bet." Nat said.

"Hold on, you're sending us face to face with the enemy?" Valkyrie questioned, stunned.

"She's harmless." Nat replied.

"No she isn't." Yelena whisper-yelled.

"Wanda, Hope and Valkyrie, you'll come with Yelena and I to meet with Melina face to face. The rest of you will take the second quinjet and hover the situation incase something goes south. Everyone understand?" Natasha stated, everyone else nodding.

"Darcy designed these earpieces so that we can stay in contact at all times. Here." Monica said, handing the box around to everyone so everybody gets an earpiece. She nodded to Nat, and everyone left to board the quinjets.

Yelena was the most experienced flyer for 'earth tech', but she was a co-pilot to Valkyrie who could fly anything. Hope, Wanda and Natasha sat closely behind, eagerly awaiting take-off.

"Is everybody ready?" Natasha asked over comms. No turning back now. She got a 'ready' from everyone over the earpiece which confirmed they worked.

"Here we go."

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