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Suou: aiga kun!

Aiga: holy shit it's two face

Suou: that's rude aiga, •^•

Aiga: well sorry, well what do you want?

Suou: why do people call fubuki daddy?


Suou: did you just keyboard smash in real life?

Aiga: yes, and you should call him daddy too *snicker*

Suou: but he's not my dad?

Aiga: I know just do it

Suou: okay!

-with fubuki and suou-

Suou: daddy!

Fubuki: *chokes on air* w-what!?

Suou: ?? What?

Fubuki: w-what did you just call me...?

Suou: oh I called you daddy! People call you daddy so I decided to say that too! Wait are you okay?

Fubuki: 'my will have to go to the store and get some rest and feel better soon and that is the only way I can get a ride to the airport on the way home 🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡' holy shit thats hot

Suou: what's hot?

Fubuki: nothing,

Suou: daddy~

Fubuki: pfft *dies of blood loss*

Admin sama: fubuki.... This is the the last time I'm preparing a funeral for you,


Will you attend the funeral?

Suou and his O P P A I SWhere stories live. Discover now