a fucking fanfiction

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Imagine suou in that

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Imagine suou in that..... But bigger chest-

Relationships: suou x fubuki
Toko x suou
Aiga/aiger x suou

Suou genji POV

At the rooftop lel

Hmm Fubuki has been awfully quiet recently, he isn't talking to us recently... Maybe he just needs some space? Hmmm I'm worried. "Oi suou! Are you just gonna stare at Toko for the whole day or battle?!" I heard a familiar annoying voice I looked up at the annoying bitch, I mean boy

"What do you mean aiga?" I smiled at him putting my hand on my chin, "you keep on staring at Toko and Valt is angry at you" I placed my hand on my mouth slowly.  "Really? I haven't noticed I stared at that boy for a while." I looked at Valt and then at aiga still on my signature smile, "yeah stop staring at my brother flower boy!" I stared at Valt and patted aiga's head "oh and Shu's buddy is looking for you!" Hmmm? sonic the hedgehog know shu kurenai? Fubuki is looking for me? Oh "oh! Where is fubuki?" I crossed my arms, the sun is very shiny today,

"He said meet him at the bey park! Today!" I nodded and Walked near Toko "hey Toko Wana come with me?" I asked very innocently and stared at him.

"Huh? Sure suou! I will" he nodded at me and I grabbed his hand and waved at Valt and aiga "and don't do anything with my brother okay!!" I giggled, sheesh the only thing I'll do to him is pat his head and poke him, gosh me and Toko started walking down the stairs and he started talking

"Hey suou?" I turned at Toko "yes?" "Are you and fubuki you know" he started to do weird finger things (👉👌👉👌👉👌) I started doing the same "👉👌? What's that?" He started to blush "uhmm y'know uhhhh...." ... " It's okay if you can't explain it! But me and fubuki are dating for only a month or two" I giggled "uhh I don't remember asking" "and I don't give a shit" (👉👌👉👌👉👌)

Time skip at the bey park

No one's POV

"3......2......1...... Let it rip!!" The bey landed on the stadium in full speed but it eventually loses stamina "oh come on! This is the 5th time! What's wrong!?" Fubuki stared at his bey he grabbed forneus and stared at it

"Fubuki!" A tall and (sexy) pale boy ran up to the blonde with a a boy behind him "h-hey! Slow down suou!" Yelled the other boy lost hi breathe
"Fubuki!" The pale boy hugged fubuki, suou I taller than fubuki so his face is on his chest probably. "Suou!" The blonde hugged back at the tall boy, and got off each other"Toko's brother told me you wanted to see me! What is it fubuki?" The place boy looked at the blonde,

Fubuki then grabbed suou's waist and kissed him, they started making out, suou let out a small moan and then let go of each other , suou still smiling but drooling and red, fubuki is a little red, "uhhmmmmm" they both looked at the Red Toko they forgot he was there, suou then grabbed the blue haired boys arm and pulled him nose touching "don't tell anyone about this okay Toko?" The blue haired boy then nodded afraid to be eaten alive still red with the affection suou gave him, suou kissed the blouse cheek "thanks!" Toko pause slowly getting red and then made a shocked expression and fainted,

Suou POV

"Oops! I killed him" I giggled and went near the blue haired boys soulless body, I carried him piggy back ride >:3 I rtgen turned to fubuki "y'know you should stop kissing your friends or be on top of them...." He mumbled but I can hear him "jelly???" I kissed his cheek "fuck you" "fuck me hard daddy~" ....

Back at the fucking rooftop sighhhhh

Toko POV

I can't breathe I can't fubejrbdivsjdvjf my heart is beating I'm about to die dudjshhdhdjdh he kissed me! I can't breathe (yeah yeah don't flex that your crush kissed you) he just came back to the roof top I woke up then sat down, fubuki started training the beyclub members watched suou staring at fubuki, Valt worried for me

"Hey! Toko! You good bro?" I looked at Valt, Nika then turned to me "yeah you have been red and quiet when you got back here, is something bothering you?" Nika stared at me  Valt sat next to me "did suou do something?" I turned red when he said suou "I heard my name!" "Shut up suou" Nika yelled at him he then huffed his cheeks and turned to fubuki

"Not really, he and fubuki just made out for a minute" I scratched the back of my head, "a-and he kissed my cheek....." Nika and Valt mouths made an o shape "wait what?!" They both yelled, made everyone stare at us,



Fuuuuuuuuuuck I'm backkkkkk lol

Word count: 839
Published: Monday, September 6, 2021
Time: 9:31

Time took: 30 mins

Baiiiii Felicia

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