That Fateful Night!

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Eleven Years Earlier

It was a Saturday night late in August_ Peter was driving back home from a short trip with his wife Gabby and his daughter Mona. Peter and Gabby were engaged in a banter, having good laughs from the jokes Peter cracked as he drove carefully along the seemingly deserted road.
Mona on the other hand was uninterested in the jokes her father cracked because the thunderstorm and heavy downpour frightened her for she was afraid of stormy nights.
Cognisance of the restrained state of her daughter, Gabby asked her "What is wrong baby?". Mona who was sitting in the backseat with her mother clinged herself to Gabby and said "I'm scared mommy, the thunders are too loud!" Gabby gave Mona a convincing smile and said "Don't worry baby, I'm here so there's absolutely nothing to be scared of, okay."  Mona nodded and layed her head on Gabby's chest.
Peter who was listening to the chatter going on between the two laughed and exclaimed _"Kids and phobias"_ Gabby *giggles* " I know right" she returned to Peter.
Just then Peter noticed a car parked a few meters away from them. It was the first car he had sighted since he had been driving for about 30 minutes. He was surprised but didn't care.
Two men clad in black suits stepped out of the car and stood in the middle of the road, obstructing Peter's route. He came to a screeching hault to avoid hitting the men. "What is wrong with you two?" Peter asked yelling as he stepped out of his own car. There was no answer from them and that enraged Peter. "Are you both out of your witts? why stand in the middle of the road by this time while it's raining heavily?"
Gabby who was wondering what was going on decided to come out of the car_ "Stay inside the car no matter what and don't come out" she told Mona before stepping out. At this point, Mona was beyond terrified.
"What's going on here?" she asked Peter. "These two lunatics is what's going on here" he replied furiously.
The men who were mute all this while walked up to Peter and one of them throbbed a knife into his abdomen. Gabby who was completely taken aback by the sudden attack screamed her guts out as she kept on yelling Peter's name. Mona stepped out of the car immediately she heard her mother scream.
Shivers ran through her spine when she saw her dad lying lifeless in a pool of blood when she came out of the car. She couldn't move, cry or even scream, she just stood there in shock and disbelief.
One of the men grabbed Gabby and slit her throat with a bayonet and retreated to their car afterwards without even saying a word. Mona unable to understand what she just witnessed walked up to her parents lifeless bodies and sat down. She couldn't even cry for the trauma was deranging. The rain was still falling mercilessly and drenching her as she sat there. That fateful night changed her entire life and existence.

Disclaimer: The images used through out the story does not rightfully belong to me.

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