Destiny Frostpetal/ Solangelo

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A/N HI ya'll! Let's see who can recognize the last name! Hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also this is Solangelo since I needed blushing Nico, my greatest joy in life!


Hey losers, today is the best day of your life! You're going to be in my mind all day! Oh, you don't know who I am? Lame. 

My name is Destiny Frostpetal, with my black hair and striking blue eyes I can get whoever I want. And I'm also the daughter of Zeus, king of the gods! Of course, that's not true but no one knows my secret!

There is one boy, out of the entire school that I want. Will Solace. With his cute blonde hair, and the brightest blue eyes. He was built like an athlete, and was always kind to everyone. He says he has a significant other, but no one believes him.

As I walk past the hallways, I wink at a few boys and smile cutely. Then I saw Will at his locker talking to another girl.

"Sorry Lanie, but I already have someone," Will apologized.

The loser just nodded and ran away, silent tears flowing.

"Hey Will," I said.

Will Pov:

Ugh. That is the only word I'd describe Destiny as. She makes everyone think she's the daughter of Zeus, but I know that's not true. I try to believe that underneath all of that is something nice. Nico says I believe in people too much. I doubt he's ever believed in a person.

"What do you need Destiny?" I asked.

"How about you and me go on a date at 7, hmm? Meet me at my house," Destiny winked.

"Sorry Destiny, I already have plans," I apologized.

"With who!" She screeched at me. Maybe my thoughts that she had something better inside was wrong.

"With Nico," I replied.

"Who the-" Destiny was cut off from the bell.

I breathed a silent sigh of relief, and walked to Greek mythology class.

Destiny Pov:

Ugh! How dare he ditch me for that Nico kid. They're probably dating and Nico is a nickname for Nicolette. Now we had the most boring class ever. Greek mythology. The only reason I kept taking it, was because Will sat next to me. I wonder why he always gets amazing scores, even though he daydreams sometimes.

"William Solace!" Mr. Hart shouted.

Will blinked a few times before smiling at the teacher. "Yes Mr.Hart?"

"Do you think you are smarter than this class to be daydreaming? What are three things the god Apollo are known for?" Mr. Hart shouted.

"Easy, Music, Healing, and Archery," Will replied.

Mr. Hart stopped grinning, and continued the class. He kept blabbering about greek mythology until class was over. "Reminder class, we have a test tomorrow so study your notes!" 

As everyone walked out, I confronted Mr. Hart.

"I won't be able to do the test since I was communicating with Zeus. So if you make me do the test, he'll hunt you down," I said.

Mr. Hart nodded shakily. "Y-yes miss Frostpetal,"

-----Time Skip to the Next Day brought by Monster Donuts----

I put on my most expensive makeup, and my cutest dress. He'd have to fall for me! When I got to school, the school announcer spoke up. "William Solace, please come up to the office," Hmm, he probably got into trouble for breaking people's hearts. But that's fine with me.

At lunch, I saw Will talk to a boy i've never seen before.

"Excuse me, who are you?" I sneered.

"Destiny, meet Nico. He's new here," Will said.

"Oh, hi Nico, can I talk to you?" I asked sweetly.

Nico looked at Will and shook his head, but Will nodded. He sighed and got up.

I led him to the hallway.

"Stay away from Will. He's mine and I doubt he'd be gay. And if you lay a finger on him, I'll tell my father. And do you know who my father is?" I asked, not waiting for an answer, "zeus,"

Instead of backing away and cowering, he did something I didn't expect. He laughed, doubling over in tears.

"How dare you loser laugh at me!" I screamed at him.

"Sorry, but I don't think I have a mirror on me for you to say loser." Nico said. "And Will is mine," He walked away leaving me gaping at him.

After school was over, I went to the parking lot to complain to Will about Nico, when I saw something unbelievable. Will and Nico were making a disgusting makeout session.I marched over to them, and pushed Nico aside.


"Destiny, we aren't dating." Will said.

I scoffed. "Not yet sweety,"

"How dare you get between us! Me and Will started dating 2 years ago! And we technically met 4 years ago!" Nico shouted.

"EWW! THAT'S DISGUSTING! NO ONE SHOULD BE GAY! I AM TELLING MY FATHER ZEUS ABOUT THIS!" I screamed. (A/N I don't feel like this. This is this disgusting girls character.)

Nico murderously looked at me. He kicked me, and I fell to the ground. "You're just a liar, and do you know who I am? I am the son of Hades, god of the underworld! (Insert all his incredible titles along with Will's)

They hopped in Will's car, and drove away to who knows where. (A/N Do you know where? Lemme give you a hint, it's a fastfood place)

And that's how I met Solangelo, and despised it with all of my heart.

That's it for now! Hope you liked it, it was a bit shorter than I wanted to be, and hopefully you think it's good! Comment and share!

Wordcount: 913 words

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