Chad Anderson / Jason

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This chapter is for @gigibakapotato and one of her main characters in the book she's writing! 


Chad POV:

Ah, the morning light feels so, so good! I simply know that today's going to be a wonderful day at Weather High.

"Darling! Come down and have breakfast!" My mom called.

"I'm coming down!"

Even more perfect, for breakfast I had a sunny side up egg, waffles, and some bacon. As I finished eating, I turned on my ipod and plugged in my earpods. 

"Bye Mom!" I called out as I swung the door opened.

"Bye honey, have a wonderful day at school!" she called out while leaning on the door frame. "And don't forget about the dinner reservation tonight! Your father is finally coming back home after 2 years in Korea!"

I nodded, and waved her goodbye.

You might be thinking why my father is coming back home after 2 years in Korea. Totally random, right? Well, my father is a large business owner who is trying to expand his company all across the world. It's been going really well, but the branch in Korea had a few problems. But now, he got it all solved and is coming back to celebrate his success. It gets kind of lonely, and for the first 2 weeks he was gone I kept forgetting he was gone, and when I went to check up on him, he wasn't there. That was hella depressing.

But everything's fine now, Dad's coming back, and we have a lot to catch up on. He's also gotta meet my best friend. He's tall, cool, athletic, and incredibly smart. Jason Grace. Most of the girls at school have a crush on him, girls in all grades. It's pretty weird, actually. 

"Hey Chad!" A girl called out. I recognized her, she was the junior girl who stalked Jason for 3 months before she got caught. But Jason's too nice, he just gave her a warning and that next time she did it he'd call the cops on her. She hasn't learned her lesson yet. 

"Do you know where Jasy is? I really wanted to give him some cookies I made." She batted her eyes and brushed her hair past her ear. I'm not sure why she bothered with the extra acts, everyone already knows I'm gay.

"Nope." I said flatly as I walked through the school doors.

First class, social studies with Mr. Lang. Not the most interesting class, but I still favor it. Compared to music class with Mr. Sun (Heh, look who's back) This class is great. I have no talent for music, whether it's singing or instruments, no thanks.

Ok, well time skip to 3rd period 'cause first and second were uneventful. Plus, now you can meet Jason.

"Chad!" Jason called, and he jogged up to me and patted me on the back.

Jason has blonde hair, blue eyes, a tall figure, and is extremely fit. The girls like calling him the Angel of Weather High. And you might be thinking 'gasp' Chad's gay, so maybe he has a secret crush on him and that's why he hangs out with him! And if he's handsome too, of course he'd like him!  Well, no. He's not my type. I like guys who have dark hair, brown eyes, and have a chaotic energy. But enough about my type.

"Hey Jason, how's it going? Is Piper doing well?" I asked. Oh, and also he has a girlfriend. Probably should've mentioned that.

"She's great! She's actually coming after school so that the both of us can go on a date. Why don't you meet her? I'm sure you both would like each other!" He said cheerfully. 

"Why not? You've been telling me about this legendary Piper who's so beautiful she could be a goddess, so now I gotta see her." I teased.

He blushed, and then pulled both of us to math class. 

"Blah blah blah, quadratic formula, blah blah blah," Is what I heard the teacher say. 

I'm not exactly the best student in class, the only reason I don't fail is because Jason helps me out with studying and lends me his notes. I bet my parents would drop me any second if that meant they could have a son like Jason. 


I almost fell out of my seat as I heard that loud noise. I turned to look outside the window to see what was happening, but nothing was there. I was about to ask Jason if he knew what happened when he abruptly got up from his seat and asked if he could go to the bathroom.

And since I was curious, I wanted to follow him. I got up and asked if I could be excused to go to the bathroom as well.

"Mr. Grace has already left to go, you'll need to wait," Ms. Plaid said.

"But, um..." I stuttered. "I have... diarrhea! Oh crap, I really need to go unless you want me to go right here." 

Ms. Plaid looked up and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes Mr. Anderson. Please hurry and go!"

Dang it, why'd I have to say diarrhea? I could've just said I was sick and needed to throw up... But oh well, what's done is done.

I saw Jason turn left, and so I sprinted to catch up with him. He was headed to the parking lot, which was where the bang sound came from.

"Jason!" I called, running out of breath.

He slipped, but caught himself. "Chad! What are you doing here?" He quietly shouted.

"Well, I-" 

He tackled me to the ground.

"What are you-" I started.

Then a hole appeared on the side of the wall. I stared at it. 


It made no sense, it just felt like a gust of wind had passed me, and then hit the wall at full force. But how does that create a hole? Something isn't adding up.

Jason got up. "Chad, you have to hide."

"But what just-"

"Now." He said.

I got behind a pillar nearby as I saw Jason pull out a gold coin. Then it was like lighting struck. I stared slack-jawed as the coin turns into a gold sword. He slashed it a few times before something started to materialize. A manticore. It was just like how mythology depicted it.

Stab stab. Slash slash. But that's until a dagger flew in out of nowhere and hit the monster in the eye. It roared in agony and disintegrated into dust.

Jason looked up, and grinned. 

"Hey pipes," he said.

A girl jumped down from a tree, and hugged him.

"How's it going, sparky?" she said.

"Wait, Chad! Come out from back there!" Jason called.

I hesitantly came out from behind the pillar and walked over to where Jason and the girl were standing. The girl was really pretty. Like, REALLY pretty.

"Jason, what the hell is going on. There was a manticore, you had a sword, and you were like, swish! Die you horrible beast! And then that girl throws a dagger and kills the manticore?!" I said rapidly.

"Chad, about that... me and Piper are demigods. We're the children of Greek gods and we have to fight monsters to protect everyone." Jason said.

"Wait, so this is Piper? And, what?" I asked.

Piper held out her hand. "Piper McLean, nice to meet you. You must be Chad, Jason's told me a lot about you," She smiled.

I shook her hand, "Yeah, nice to meet you too," I mumbled.

"Chad, I promise I'll tell you all about this later, but I have to go now. See you soon!" Jason said.

As they walked toward a fancy car and drove away, I simply stood there watching the car drive away. Demigods. How... interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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