My Life As A Lambert

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*Tommy's POV*

12 years, that's how long its been for me, Adam, Melody and Ash. Our lives with each other, with ourselves. I loved every happy, sassy, funny and just plain love moments of my relationship, my marriage and my family life. I love my family, but also my Babyboy, my savoir, my light. Not everything is happy though, the moments that I felt lost, forgotten, unwanted. Adam has helped me see the good in things even if I'm stubborn or blind. I'll remember the bad times that has happen to us, me with my self-harm, me getting kidnapped, facing Death, Adam leaving me, my children taken. Not all lives have good things in them, but it made me stronger than ever, I feel like I'm fearless.

I'll always remember the first time we've kissed without flashing lights, our first date on my birthday, my first time making love with Adam, Adam proposing to me on stage, my wedding of my life, apdoting Melody at the adoption center, Melody's birthday present as her younger brother, Ash performing with his Father for the We Are Glamily tour, Ash having his first relationship with Matthew & my children having their own band ready for touring in the summer.

Now here I am sitting in the front row with my fabulous husband by my side and my talented daughter, Melody as I watch my son, Ash getting married to his soon-to-be-husband, Matthew.

"I, Ashton Lambert, take this ring to fulfill my heart, my soul, my life to Matthew Henry Ross to be my lawful wedded husband for as long as I live, and breathe for the rest of my life as his husband, his savoir, and his other half," Ash said as he slips the ring into Matthew's finger.

"I, Matthew Henry Ross, take this ring to fulfill my heart, my soul, my life to Ashton Lambert to be my lawful wedded husband for as long as I live, and breathe for the rest of my life as his husband, his savior, and his other half," Matthew slips the ring on Ash's finger as I tighten my grip on Adam's and Melody's hand, hoping Matthew won't turn down Ash.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," Adam smile towards me. I nod and looked at Melody.

"They're there for each other," Melody smiles, I nod and return looking at my proud son.

"If anyone rejects to why these to men should not wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace?" The room is silent as my heart beats for the final speech, "Do you Ashton Lambert take Matthew Henry Ross to be your lawful wedded husband in dark and in light, in heaven and in Hell, in health and in sickness 'til death do you part?" The preacher asks.

"I do," he smiles.

"Do you Matthew Henry Ross, take Ashton Lambert to be your lawful wedded husband in light and in darkness, in heaven and in Hell, in health and in sickness 'til death do you part?" The preacher asks.

Matthew took in a deep breath and let it out, "I do," he smiles.

"I know pronouns you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom," Ash and Matthew both lean in and share a tender kiss completing the marriage, me, Melody and Adam rose up clapping as everyone else cheering for their wedding. I hug Adam as All My Heart by Sleeping With Sirens played as Ash and Matthew walk down the aisle. I love Sleeping With Sirens. I walk with Adam as Melody walk with her wife, Logan. I have a handful of uncooked rice in my hand as so Adam and his older sister. I see Ash with Matthew by his side and we all threw the rice at them as they have smiles plastered on their faces. I smile of how far Ash has come by, he went from a depressed, self hating child to a famous, successful adult infront of my eyes. Matthew and Ash climb into a limo as they sped off to the ball room for the party.

"Our Rock Star is growing up," Adam smiles as the limo drives off.

"Yeah, he is, but so is our family," I smile back looking at my daughter and her wife.

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