Teen parents(part-3)

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5 months.

jennie pov.

it's been five months and yes we know the baby gender already and jisoo is rlly happy ab it.Tdy after class me and jisoo will go to Kim mansion(jisoo's parents house)and we will have small dinner time with our parents and our friend chaelisa.And we will announce the gender.

I'm so excited ab it.

Time skip⏱

(In the class)

jennie pov

Me and chaeyoung are in the math class and jisoo and lisa are in the dance class.Chaeyoung and I are talking before the class start.

"unnie..have u done the assignment "chaeyoung asked."In the half way through.I can't finish in one sit cause my backache is killing me but luckily chichu massage. my back "i smiled and tell her."jisoo unnie is rlly sweet tho"chaeyoung chuckle. "Ye..ye..ouch!"im gonna reply her when i feel pain my stomache."unnie what happen? Are u okay?"Chae asked me with panic voice. I chuckle"calm down....i feel a kick "I told her with a suprise voice and hold her hand put on my belly."Do u feel it?"i asked"omg....i can feel it."chaeyoung told me with amazed voice "this is the first kick .I'm so happy.. I'll tell jisoo a it after class."Jisoo unnie will be so happy"chaeyoung said.

Jisoo pov

In dance class-breaktime

Me and lisa are non stop practicing and we both r rlly tired.we are resting as other r resting too.I wonder is jennie is doing well.As much as i wanna be with her all the time i can't cause we have different class.

"Unnie..Ur dance is more improving and improving."lisa told me "thx monkey..i keep improving cause u taught me a lot"i told her."Btw unnie..i rlly wanna know the gender can u tell me?"lisa asked "u'll find out tonight "i winked at her."ahh...unnie...im not patient anymore"lisa said.."haha.. "i laught at her expression.

"umm..li.lis"i was gonna ask smth when somone cut me off.When we hear the voice we both look at her.

"jisoo yh!!....can u teach me how to do this move.Cause i can't do it"Somi tell.me with a baby voice.(somi is a girl who has big crush on me since We're in 16.)

"jeez...Stop doing that voice"lisa tell with a irritate tone."Umm..umm sure i can teach u"i tell her cause i know if i don't teach her she will follow me every where which will make me and jennie get irritate.

"thx jisoo..yh..so let's start now"..somi drag me.. and show me her move."somi u suppose to do like this.."i show her how to move her waist andisoo idk how to..can hold my waist and guide me how to move...."she told me.I know what somi is trying to flirt..and i'm sure jennie will cut me and her head off if she see."..umm...idk what to say.then lisa cut me off.."unnie we need to go..."lisa said and roll her eyes at somi.I feel relieve lisa save me"sry somi.yh i'll teach u next day"I told her and..before she even reply lisa pull me out of the class

"thx.. lisa "i told her."unnie u know she is flirting with u"lisa told me and "I know.."i reply and i got suprise when i turn around and saw a cat eyes glare at me.

"Who's trying to flirt with u?."jennie ask me with crossing arm follow my chaeyoung."Umm..No one baby"i lied cause i don't wanna to get her stress or jealous."don't lie to me i heard it...if u don't tell me then lisa..tell me.."Jennie look lisa sharply and i can see lisa gulped.

"sh..she is somi"lisa told her .I look over to jennie and she is calming down her temper."Kim jisoo u let her to flirt u rlly?.."jennie asked me with stern voice "no love..it's ju..just"Idk what to say."jennie unnie calm down..u're scaring jisoo unnie"chaeyoung calm her down."jisoo unnie didn't do anything.i see it with my own eyes"lisa explain jennie."yes baby..i try to stop also u know that i only love u.."i told jennie and hug her.."I'm sry love...i shouldn't have over react.."jennie tell me and hug me back."Do u love me"jennie ask"yes baby..i love u..the moon to the back"i told her and kiss hee cheek.."gross...stop. u guy"lisa told."get a room"chaeyoung said and roll her eyes.

"btw chichu..the baby kicked for the first time"jennie said.."rlly..love?.."i aksed and she nodded."unnie that's real i can even feel "chaeyoung told me..i put my hand on jennie's belly andi rub gently"hy baby..this is ur another mommy chu"i talked and "oh gosh...the babh kich"i gasp anf look at jennie and she smile at me.."rlly rlly unnie.. let ne frel"lisa asked and push my hand and.... put her hand on it.."hello..baby this is ur coolest aunt"lisa told and she wait..."why don't i feel the kick...?"lisa ask..."let me try..."chaeyoung said and do the same"hi there baby..i'm ur aunt chaeyoung"she tell and rub gently. After a sec...she feel the kick"omg did she just kick"..chaeyoung tell as lisa pout..."that's is not fair..why don't she kick for me...."lisa told as she whined....

Jennie and I ..laugh as chaeyoung... calm her girl.

"now we should go to kim mansion...our parents might wait for us."jennie tell

"yh lets go..."i said and we go back to the mansion.

At night---

"So tell us what's the gender" Mr.kim(jisoo's dad) ask..."yh I can't even focus tdy at work cause i'm dying to know what's the gender" Jennie's father asked. "u're over honey"jennie's mom said and laugh. "btw,how is the school..all of you"jisoo's mom asked...jenchulichaeng.

"we're doing well..."chaeyoung and lisa said."yh mom everything is okay"jisoo said "it's great mom but sometime i got a little bit backache for sitting too long"jennie said.

"so...we'll annouce the baby gender " jisoo said..as she smile happily."the baby is..a boy"jennie said and all of the family are happy."omg we'll get a grandson" jennie and jisoo's dad said as their mom hug jensoo. "unnie Congrate...i'm so happy that i'll get a nephew"Chaeyoung said as she cry "congrate unnies"lisa said and hug jisoo
"don't cry.."jennie hug rosé and "it's a happy tears unnie" rosé chucke as she cry.

"congrate..both of u"jisoo's dad said."thx dad"..jennie and jisoo said.

Time skip----(at jensoo mension)

Since jennie got pregnant jisoo's parents bought a mansion and gave it to them and they live together. Jennie's parents also hire a helper to cook for them and clean the house when they go to School.

Jisoo already decided that if she finish university.. she will start woking at her dad company and earn money.For jennie she will wait till baby turn 5 and she wjll start working too.

jisoo pov.

I was playing game when jennie come in with her pouty cutie face.

"baby..i can't sleep"jennie tell me as she work toward me.ahh she look so cute rn..i'm melting.Jisoo though.

(jisoo is so whipped)

I don't even think twice i shut down the vd games and pull her on my lap."R u sleepy"i asked"yh..but i can't if u're not with me and also our baby want their mom"she said me with his puppy eye.

"awwn u're so cute"i kissed her nose and.. "come lets sleep "I hold her hand and went into the room.

"baby can we cuddle"..jennie ask "sure...come "i pull her in my chest and hug her tightly..suddenly.."ouch..."jennie squeal."..wh-whathappen baby..did i make u hurt?"i asked worriedly and break the hug..."no ..baby kicked..He is strong tho"..jennie said as she rub my belly."baby...mommy will be happy if u don't kick too hard..cause everytime mommy is in pain. it broke my heart baby.Ik u're a good boy. we love u so much baby"i rubbed her belly and kissed it.
"Is it hurt too much"i asked jennie"no baby.it's just a little"jennie told me.."i think he love having around u thats why he kick".."oh rlly...i love u baby and u"i told her and baby

"chu..i love u so much.i'm so lucky to have u "jennie tell me as she cupped my face."i love so much too baby."i kissed her forehead. "now let's sleep baby"

"i'll sing for both of u"i told and jennie nodded and put her head in my neck.

I sing a song and soon... She fell asleep."I love u so much jendukie and our baby...i'll protect both of u. I promise."i murmur... to her ears.

To be continued____________

I know it's boring chapter.I'll try more.Also i'm sry for late update.I😞've been really busy with my school lessons thats why.

But I hope u guys enjoy❤pls vote and comment

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