🏳️‍🌈 How I Knew 🏳️‍🌈

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People ask me sometimes how I knew I was gay
And to be completely honest, I'm still not sure to this day
Maybe it was the fact that I kissed my best friend when we were three
Maybe that there was this girl so much more perfect than me

Maybe that I never felt good kissing my perfect boyfriend
Maybe that I have a strong and stunningly beautiful beloved
Who I feel my love gravitate towards more and more every day
Even though I really don't know if she'd ever feel the same way

It just kind of clicked one day when I saw her
Leaving class, making her way towards the lockers
The way her hair waved behind as she walked
The way her curves were adorned with well-fitting clothes

But it all doesn't really matter though, not anymore, never again
Because even though for a while I let their twisted teachings get into my head
Not knowing "how" or "why" is just fine
You are still very valid, and so am I

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