Chapter - 14 Too early to look at you

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Raine Simmons - Blackwood

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Raine Simmons - Blackwood

The leaves rustled as the cool monsoon breeze touched my skin. The smell of the rain and soil hit me as I sunk into the chair outside our cabin.

I pulled up my duvet covering up the exposed parts from the cool air. That part being being true, I also was hiding my weapon.

I stared at the stars and the moon which were the only source of light in the dark forest.

It has become a part of my daily routine. To stay awake or to watch the stars that are so near yet so far, beyond reach.

It was already around 2 or maybe 3 in the morning. I decided to guard it against the outside.

I lied to him that I would sleep on the couch. The truth was I didn't want to stay there.

As soon as he told me that he heard every single line that I sang, I couldn't look into his eyes knowing he would use it against me, probably to embarrass me.

Maybe that wasn't his intention and who was I to judge?

I tried to push him off of me but his silver pendant stuck in my hair, preventing him. He slowly untangled it and got off of me. With one last look, he took his phone and walked out of the room. After that, we didn't talk much.

A week passed by since then without a hassle. We toured the villages, disguised and met our people.

It felt great to know them. To know that they are happy. I felt content talking to them.

Arnold and daisy helped us with all the necessities and by the end of the day, we used to be back.

A cool gust of air, made my skin prickle, bringing me back to reality. Though I warmed again quickly, goosebumps stayed on my skin. I ran a hand over my arms and felt the same peculiar feeling... I wasn't alone.

Soon as the rain started, pitter-pattering against the windows. I walked in without making a sound only to find him fast asleep on the bed.

I took a while to assess him. He layed on his stomach, occupying pretty much the entire space. His face pressed against the soft pillow and his duvet reached his waist luring me to admire his naked toned back.

I may look like a creep right then But eh! who cares.

I heard his soft snores having me know that he was fully asleep. I tiptoed towards him. Slowly, I pulled up his duvet until it reached his neck, slightly brushing his hair.

All of a sudden he turned his head with his eyes closed and out of nowhere he grabbed my hand, settling his face against it.

His cheek rested on my palm causing the jolt of electricity to pass through me and warmth to spread across it. His steady breath fanning my wrist didn't help it either.

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