Does He Like Us?

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Quackity watched as Tubbo walked
around everyone's work space. His posture being straight and perfect, his eyes watching every move. Ranboo following close behind, looking, if not, more perfect, and heterochromia eyes glaring at everyone and intimidating glance scaring them all.

He wondered how Tubbo went from a seemingly nice boy to a strict boss in a span of 2? 3, 4 years? Of course, being through the trauma he's been through it makes sense. Losing his family, his father, is not something anyone takes lightly.

"I expect you all to not only look for Tommy, but to handle your work aswell." Tubbo stood in the middle, arms crossed. "You know your work. Make maps of current vampire hones, so we can hunt them. Make notes of the latest vampire sightings. You guys are doing this for Tommy's sake, and also your job. You will be fired if you don't take this seriously."

"Do you all understand?" Murmurs of agreement lingered and a voice spoke up. "But sir, how are we supposed to handle work and finding Tommy? And also home work?" Tubbo glared at the person. "Figure it out yourself, Sapnap. You wouldn't want to be fired now, would you?" Sapnap gulped. "N-No sir."

"Exactly. I'll have Ranboo keep an extra eye on you." Sapnap tensed as he looked at Ranboo. Ranboo was glaring daggers at him. "Go to work then, everyone. Ranboo, follow me." Tubbo walked away, while Ranboo lingered to look at Sapnap longer before following Tubbo.

"Bo, you're pretty hard on some of those people." Tubbo sighed. "Tommy is missing, Ranboo, and I can't afford to lose him. Plus, work is already important for the sake of this town." Ranboo widened his eyes. He rarely called him by his full name. "Alright then, Bo.." He twisted his ring around on his finger, as Tubbo went into the library. "I'm going to be reading a bit into vampires more. You can stay in here, Boo, but please don't bother me?" Ranboo nodded. "Of course."

Ranboo watched as Tubbo grabbed a dozen books, all about vampires. He sat down at a table, and Tubbo sat down next to him after. "Bo, you know you can take breaks.." Tubbo groaned. "Ranboo, I can't waste any time. If they turn him, and I haven't found him yet..I'll never forgive myself. You better stay quiet." Ranboo sighed, noticing a guard in the room now, and immediately got into the act of an assistant.

"Of course, sir."


Tommy woke up in a slight better bedroom. His head hurt again, but he guessed it was because he passed out again. Where was he? Oh, yeah kidnapped by a bunch of weird vampires. He sat up and tried to stand, but, he couldn't. "Oh shit.." Restraints. Fuck. How was he going to escape now?

Luckily, he could still feel his neck. There was a small bump, but it wasn't a bite. If anything, a spider bite, but certainly not a vampire one. He sighed in relief. It was probably a mosquito. He just sat there, until the brunette entered. What was his name? Wilbur? He couldn't remember. "You're awake again. And marked, phew." He sat down next to Tommy, and Tommy scooted away.

"Get away from me, dipshit. You're a vampire." Wilbur sighed, and smiled. "Yep, I am. Don't worry, though, I'm not gonna kill you! You're my little brother! Why would I?" Tommy looked at him, confused. "I don't have any family, you aren't my brother." Wilbur looked confused before gasping. "Ohh yeah, you don't realize. Well, I am your older brother since your marked! Don't worry, you'll be turned soon."

"Wait, no no no, I'm not- I don't wanna be a vampire!" He may have been letting his weak side show, but he didn't care. He was scared. "Aww, don't be scared.." He grabbed Tommy, even though he was resisting, and held him as if he was a baby. He combed through his hair with his fingers, and Tommy audibly and physically relaxed. He decided he was just going to let it happen, just this once. He hadn't hadn't had any comfort like this in awhile.

"Aww, you're relaxing..I'm guessing humans don't give comfort like this often." Tommy shook his head no, and snuggled into Wilbur's chest. Wilbur cooed. "I'll keep you safe, okay? I'm your older brother for a reason.." Tommy scrunched up his nose a bit, and made a sound as if he was agreeing. "m tired, Wilby.." Wilbur sighed. "Yep, that's what my powers do. Get a little rest, you'll need it." Tommy nodded and fell asleep.


Wilbur set him down on the bed, tucking him in. He sighed, and walked out. He went to where Phil and Techno were seated. He sat down in his regular seat. "So..he's marked, and he's ready. He's already comfortable with me." Phil widened his eyes. "Really? Wow, he really doesn't get comfort."

"Yeah, tell me about it. He basically became a baby when I picked him up and cradled him." Techno scoffed. "Typical humans. They never give children anything. No comfort. Nothin'. And he clearly hasn't gotten any of that in awhile." Wilbur giggled. "Ooo, has Techno gone soft? Techno's soft now, Dad!" Phil sighed. "I'm already having to deal with Tommy, please don't act like 200 year olds."

Techno and Wilbur stopped. "So, Techno, when he wakes up, make him get comfortable with you. And then, when he's ready, I'll turn him. Before, though, to gain his's probably going to take around 4 days." Wilbur gasped. "4 days?! That's so long to gain trust, why can't we have him now? He's our little brother!" Techno nodded. "Wil's right, just turn him now. I wanna bond with him." Phil pinched his nose.

"That's not how humans work. And you both know this. Now, I need to work a bit more. When he's ready, bring him to my room. Remember 4 or 5 days. And if anyone tries to get him.." Phil's eyes shone with anger. "I'll just kill them of course."

For Tommy, For Tubbo, ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now