Julie Stone was a regular girl; she lived in an orphanage, had some friends, and every now and then would bang her head against the wall due to stress. . . . Normal!
Anyway, all her life Julie never seemed to quite fit in. She loved it, but her life...
The first Hogsmeade trip of the term came halfway through October and Hermione couldn't be more excited about it.
After all, Fred had promised to spend the day with her in the village since they hadn't properly seen each other for a month and a half—he couldn't make it to her birthday since he and George had a really big order in the shop.
However, with the first trip, came Draco's rubbish plan of killing Dumbledore with a cursed necklace, which would then lead to Katie Bell being in the hospital, something she definitely didn't want. Hermione knew better than to confront her cousin, she might've slipped up or somehow get him suspicious about her, so she was letting things play out until she had to stop Katie from touching the necklace.
At the moment she was sitting down on the Gryffindor table, wearing skinny jeans, her knee-high boots, one of Fred's sweaters she nicked from his closet, and her leather jacket on top. And, for the last five minutes, she had been listening about the fantastic anecdote that Harry and Ron were so excitingly telling her. Apparently, and Hermione already knew that, Harry had used the Levicorpus spell on Ron.
". . . .and then there was another flash, of light and I landed on the bed again!" Ron grinned, helping himself to sausages.
"You do know, I already know, right?" Hermione asked, cocking up an eyebrow and they scowled. "And that was pretty stupid of you," she added with a pointed look and their scowl deepened.
"Why?" Ron grumbled and Hermione gave him a bewildered look.
"Well, first of all, you had no idea what the spell would do," Hermione started, "And second of all, you had no idea what the spell would do!"
"It was a laugh!" said Ron, upending a ketchup bottle over his sausages. "Just a laugh, Dame, that's all!"
"Well, it's a laugh because you were lucky, Parson!" Hermione exclaimed. "You could've accidentally chosen a spell that would slice Ron up, Harry!"
"It's a school book, Mia," replied Harry with a shrug and Hermione crossed her arms in front of her.
"Fine," she said with a sweet smile. "Just so you know, and don't go accidentally killing people, there's a spell in the book, Sectumsempra, do you know what that means?"
Harry and Ron shook their heads.
"Sectum means to cut, and Sempra, means forever," Hermione told the boys. "The spell literally means Cut Forever. Do you think that's a laugh?"