The Plan

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Harry was in the room of requirement which had been transformed into a large open outdoor space with lush green grass, some trees and a beautiful view, he had transformed into his Griffin form and was flexing his wings and felt the cool breeze the room had made for him.

His friends entered the room and they all watched as he turned to them and trotted up to them and nuzzled his head against Ginny before sitting on the ground.

They all sat down on the grass and Harry placed his head in Ginny's lap and she stroked his fur.

"We need to do something about Umbridge." Neville said looking up at them.

"What can we do, Umbridge won't teach us anything Dumbledore is losing all his positions, Hagrid isn't here and we all have detention with Umbridge as well." Ginny said

Harry had transformed back into his human self and listened intently as Hermione perked up "Well I have an idea."

"Go on." Harry said, Hermione sighed.

"Well I was thinking that you, Harry, could teach everyone defence against the dark arts, you are the top in that class being much better than me and you know what it's like to face V-Voldemort." She finished

Ron looked at her in awe at her brilliance and Neville smiled at her as well, Ginny looked at Harry. "I think it's a great idea, and you better go with it or you'll have bat bogeys coming out of your arse."

Harry paled and nodded before whispering "your scary you know."

Ginny smirked "I try to be."

"So Hermione how are we going to recruit people?" Harry asked.

"Well I was thinking if we inform people from Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw then we can set up a time to meet, I was thinking we could meet up with all of them at the Hogs Head, as hardly anyone is there." Hermione explained

Harry nodded thoughtfully "Maybe Gideon could help us out with your idea."

"We should ask him tomorrow then about our plan." Ginny said


Angelina was running Quidditch trials early as Harry had detention in the evening.

"Alright so I want the chaser hopefuls to Ginny, the Beater hopefuls to Fred and George, the seeker hopefuls to Harry and the keeper hopefuls to me." Angelina ordered and they all shuffled over and the drills were the same as two years ago and it didn't look like by the end that their would be any change to the team except for the keeper spot.

Currently Ron was in net the other keeper tryouts were Vicky Frobisher, Richie Coote and Cormac Mclaggen.

The sixth year, Cormac was known for being a bit of womaniser and he was currently trying to flirt with Ginny.

"I can bet you that I'm much better in bed than your boyfriend, my cock is about 10 inches big and your lips on it would be great." He said moving closer and holding her so she couldn't escape.

"Let go of me." She spat at him but he just smirked

He then touched her and Harry was about to best the shit out of Cormac when Ginny winked at him and shot her knee right into Cormac's crotch.

Cormac groaned lightly in pai  as he limped away.

They began the keeper tryouts and despite his injury Cormac was doing to well for Harry's liking, however Ginny knew to perform some really tricky shots and was successful in getting two out of five through the hoop.

Ron did really well he saved five out of five and Ginny had made some amazing shots, Cormac was now storming over to him.

"I demand another go, your girlfriend made it easier for him." Cormac demanded.

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