Dumbledore's Army

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Harry made his way to the owlrey the next day with a letter in his hand, it was addressed to Sirius.

He went inside the owlrey and gently tied the letter to Hedwigs leg, and also giving her some owl treats.

"Here you go girl." He said stroking the owls head before it took off. He turned around and was surprised to see Ron their.

"Hey mate, what are you doing here then?" Harry asked

"Oh I'm just sending mum and dad a letter about how I did well in my first game of Quidditch for the Gryffindor team, what about you?" Ron asked

"I'm sending a letter to Snuffles." Harry said with a grin

Ron tied his letter to pigwidgeon and the tiny owl flew off into the air.

Filch barged in "Alright you've been caught, where are the dungbombs?"

"I don't have any." Harry said looking confused

"I know you 'ave em." Filch hissed

"Oi he hasn't got any dungbombs, whoever told you that was lying." Ron said firmly to Filch. The caretaker gulped and shuffled out of the room.

"Blimey he off his rocker." Ron grumbled to himself

"I know right, wonder who told him that." Harry said confused, Ron shrugged before the headed off for Charms.


"I think Umbridge has been reading your letters." Hermione said to Harry, who was with Ginny, Ron and Hermione in charms, they were practicing the silencing charm which they could all do with ease.

"You think Umbridge would attack Hedwig just to get my letters?" Harry asked worried if Umbridge would go that far.

"It's possible, I'm certain of it watch your frog it's escaping." Hermione said

"Accio!" Harry said as he whipped his wand out.

The frog zoomed back into his hand. "Alright when should the first meeting take place?" Ginny asked who was next to Harry.

"Probably tonight, I'll get Gideon to deliver the fake galleons I've conjured here." Hermione said slightly opening her bag to reveal the fake gold coins "they are connected by a protean charm, Harry will have the master one I'll explain more later." Hermione said glancing at Professor Flitwick who was making his way towards them.

"Alright you five enough chit chat, show me what you can do." Flitwick said as he watched Ginny perform it non verbally with ease.

Neville did it as well as Ron and Harry and Hermione "very good 10 points to each of you."

It was chucking it down outside as Harry glanced at the window and Ginny stroked his thigh "Don't worry I'm sure we can burn time inside, just you and me" She whispered huskily which made Harry's hair stand up and his boner.

Ron groaned "please, I don't want to know about my sister's sex life, its just.. ya know wrong for me to hear." Ron said wincing a little.

Ginny rolled her eyes at her brother "Come on let's go, Hermione needs to give the bag of coins to Gideon, we know where his quarters are." They all packed their stuff before hastily leaving the classroom as Professor Flitwick dismissed them.

They hurried to a secluded part of the castle and they found the door to Gideon's  quarters. Harry knocked and Gideon stepped out.

"Alright you lot whats the deal?" He asked in his usual gruff tone.

Hermione handed him a copy of the list of the club members and the bag of fake coins with the protean charm. "We need everyone on the list to recieve one coin Ginny, Ron, Neville, Harry and I have ours already make sure no one sees them."

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