2: The Start of the Adventure

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At first he seemed totally crazy. He seems less so, but the huge bump on his head is kinda disturbing. His short curly brown hair covers it pretty well though. I start to stare at his bump. He’s pretty self conscious  I guess because I notice he starts to rub the bump on his head. I smile then look out the window.

He had been sleeping about an hour which meant there was another hour. I make this trip often. “So Cammie how long was I out?” He asks dumbly. Urgh I hate when people call me Cammie. “It’s Camille. You were sleeping for an hour,” I say coldly. “Oh sorry I knew that. How long is the ride in total?” He asks. “Two hours,” I grumble. “Oh great.” He says sarcastically. But I see him grin. I look at his leather bag. Wow. That looks pretty expensive. Then again sitting in first class is pretty expensive, and that’s where we’re sitting.

I look at my watch. Boy, time goes really slowly when you’re not having fun. Five minutes have passed. I see him opening up his bag. I start to peer over and sit up really straight. He quickly closes it seeing I’m peeking. He gives me a cold stare. Darn. Why am I so curious?

It’s almost the end of the flight. I’m disappointed and annoyed as ever. I then notice we’re about to land. Yes! It’s one of my two favorite parts of the flight. I love it as my adrenaline rushes and we’re landing. I feel myself jolt forward. I huge grin spreads across my face. I look over at Mathew. Or Matt as he likes to be called. For some reason I see him smiling too. “Why are you smiling?” I ask starting to frown. “I love the landing! It’s the best part of the whole ride! I also like take-off too of course. But landing is still more exciting!” He exclaims. Hm we have something in common...

We land and everyone slowly starts to get off. I grab my purse and hand bag and start to stand up. I stretch. Ah that feels good. I notice him getting off. I follow and walk behind him. We enter the busy airport. People are running around with papers, kids are crying, mothers are screaming, business men are staring at their watches pointlessly. I look over at Matt. He seems confused and lost. “Nice meeting you.” I mumble at him. Then start to walk away. He grabs my arm. “Where are you going?” He asks. His face looks innocent. “Home” I answer. The thought of my own house makes me smile. “Can I come?” He asks. Ok that might sound weird but I blurt out, “I guess.” What was I thinking? Oh well.

I walk to Parking lot E to find my car. Matt is close at my heels. I look back at him to see he’s looking around as if trying to remember something. He stops suddenly. I think he’s about to black  out. “Matt? Are you ok?” I ask. Why do I sound so worried? “Huh? What happened?” He asks. “You looked like you were about to black out.” I say. “Oh.” He says. I decide the best thing to do is to keep walking. It’s kind of hard because of my knee length work skirt and blouse. The hardest part is my heels. I knew I should have worn my flats.


She looks kind of uncomfortable. I’m not sure if it’s me or what she’s wearing and her suitcase. I shrug it off. I have to admit, I must seem really weird. First, I have a huge bump on my head. Second, I asked a woman I don’t even know if I can go to her house. Well, I am a weirdo I guess.

She stops in front of a nice BMW convertible. It must be new because it doesn’t have a real license plate. I look at the back and see its a Z4. Whatever that means. We have an awkward moment before she puts her luggage away and gets in the drivers seat. She points to the only other seat which is next to her. I carefully open the door and sit down. I pull the seat belt on just before she lurches forward. We whiz around. “AAAAHHH” Is all I can manage. We are propelling faster than I have ever gone in a car. Well, that I can remember.

“Do you want me to drive?” I manage out of my mouth. “My car. My driving.” She says. “How the heck did you get you’re drivers licence?” I ask. “I didn’t.” She says. The look on my face must be pretty good because she bursts out laughing, which makes her driving even worse. “Just kidding! Man you shoulda seen the look on your face! Hilarious!” She says. I frown even more,  which makes her laugh all over again. I feel my stomach grumble again.  “Can we stop and get something to eat? I’m hungry,” I say. “Sure.” She says smiling making a sudden turn of the highway. Well, I’m not too hungry anymore...

We pull up to a Mexican food place. Wow I’m really eating a lot of Mexican food today. I get about five tacos. She gets a drink of some sort, chips, a burrito, and a taco. Wow. She can eat almost as much as me. “Wow you sure eat a lot of food,” I say acting surprised. Which I actually am. She smiles and says, “Well a person like me, doing so much action, has to eat a lot!”. “What kind of action?” I ask nicely. She just smiles. Urgh. I hate when people don’t tell me stuff. I give her a cold stare. I pay the bill with some cash then we walk back to her car in silence. She zooms off. We’re still silent. “You know I’m not going to tell you right?” She says. “Tell me what?” I ask as innocently as I can. Maybe if I play innocent I can get whatever she’s hiding about the ‘action’ she does, she’ll tell me! “I know what you’re doing. Don’t play with me.” Camille says. I frown. Humph. She’s one tough cookie.

We pull into a gate and she pushes some numbers. Her estate is huge! There’s a small bamboo forest and it looks like there’s a pool and of course the house. No, the mansion. I would call it modern. It’s spectacular. “Is... is this... where you live...?” I stammer. “Yep.” She says. I can see she’s getting a little bored with me being so surprised.

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