reece mastin

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Cher's POV

"Everybody could you please fasten your seatbelt we are about to land in Adalaide" The bubbly flight attendent said through the speaker,

I grabbed my sisters hand and sqwezed it tight, Becky giggled.

Reece's POV

Me and Liv were chillen in the pool, when mum came running over, "Were getting new neighbours look!"

she said and pointed over to the moving truck. There was a wowman next to it with a younger dughter and an older girl, probley in her early teens, Liv saw me staring and smacked me in the back of the head, Mum had started walking over with Pippi Liv and Dad. I ran after them.

"Hi, Im Deb and this is Darren my husband, Pippi my youngest child, Li my oldest and Reece my middle child" Mum said pointing us out. "Hi i'm Sue and this is Becky G my youngest and Cher, my oldest excuse her she a bit angry that we had to go" Sue explained,

Cher started to fiddle with her phone, then it slipped out of her hand, fell to the ground and smashed, "oh my, Cher, Pick it up," Sue sighed, "My bad, sorry, guess im just tired," Cher"Umm Mum, can I go gabb scout?" Cher asked, "Yeah just don't give the neighbours a heart attack" Sue said

, "Thanks mumma" Cher said, kissed Sue on the check and ran to the moving truck and returned with a dog bigger then Pippi.

Cher's POV

I grabbed Scout and ran inside with him so i could feed him.

"You put the food in the bowl and you mix it all about and thats you feed scout" I sung and trned around to mum and the neighbours, i went bright red and looked away

, "You have a good voice" the girl Deb introduced as Pippi, "thanks I guess"

I said and everyone laughed, I then relised that i still had Scouts food and i put it down and scout went for it. Deb smiled and said "Reece is very musical too" Liv nunged Reece's sholder causing him to jump

. "uh Yeah I er guess so;Sometimes with my friends, uh, this is Ashley, Dion and yeah.. uh well. uh yeah guys this is Char" Reece splutered. "Nice try but its Cher" I snapped, I hated when people got my name wrong.

"I love your jeans" the blonde one that was named ashley said.

"uh thanks um i need to get changed though ive been in this for a while and the plane ride wasnt to plesent" I said wanting to leave. "No it wasn't it was quite smooth" Becky grined, I punched her as I ran up to my room. "Cher come on down and meet Georgie"

My mum yelled. "Im comig, one minutie"

i yelled to her, grabbing my second hand phone. It was a old qwerty keypad one

, "This is debs other child Georgie, Georgie, this is Cher" My mum said, she loved the new neighbours. I looked over to the TV and it was on UK tv.

"And now to local news. The loveable Chearleader Cher moved today... With sister Becky" the local TV repoter said... do they have nothing better to report on. Becky jumped at us on the news,

"Hey look its us" he beamed, "Yay, I mean seriously do they have nothing better to report on" i said sarcastily. "Dont be so sour, its your fault your the chearleader" Becky said poking her tounge out at me.

"WAS a chearleader, WAS.. were not in the UK anymore!" i snapped at her, i was really snappy today, Reece's mates nuged his sholder grinning. Great wirdeos in my house. "Wait whats the leagal driving age?" i asked, "uhh its 16 on Ls and i think like 17 to 18 for your full licence" Reece anwsered, Great I couldnt drive here, "so my licence isnt valid" I frownd, Reece and his mates laughed.

"Not that funny" I frowned more, "Sorry, Were sorry" The friend who was introduced as Dion said.

"ahh ok... uhmm im going to do a vi..

i mean a" Becky cut me off "She has a youtube channel and she has nealy over one million subscribers" she said smugly, "thanks!" i snapped and ran up to my room, i was doing alot of running. Reece's POV

we were all sitting around in the lounge room of Sue's house Becky and Georgie were getting on well.

"Cher, come join us" Sue called, Cher came down the stairs in a baggy pair of sweat pants and a top that read "LOVE IS EVOL SPELL IT BACKWARDS ILL SHOW YA" writen on it,

"Yeah mum, Im busy..." she was saying then knock at the door sounded through the walls, Cher ran and opened it.. It was Markus my gurtarist,

"Hey there love is Reece and that here?" he asked, "yeah they are" she bluntly replied, Markus walked over. "Nice top...." markus tralied off, "Uh, its Cher, if you can say it proply, some people cant" She replied looking at me.

Cher's POV

"Uhm Mum, Can I please go stalk steve tyler news bloggs in peace now?" i smiling sweatly, areosmith was the best you could do to get me to fangirl, nothing else made me go cray cray more then them,

"Sure, uhm , just, yeah just go" mum said shocked at my response. HA if she wants me to be all happy and excited that we have moved half way across the world she has enother thing coming i refuse!world I ran up to my room and made a youtube video,

It was geting later but everyone was still down stairs, oh well' if you cant beat em , join em,

"Mum, can I use your credit card, please?'' Mum looked up and smiled,

"sure sweetie, as long s you hang out here with us" mum smiled sweatly, dam her,

"ok yeah, hand it over" i snapped, Mum handed over her card i puched in the numbers on my phone, and poof i had credit, "thanks mum" grumbled. I plonked down on the couch next to Ashley,

"I love your necklace, its so cool" She said, smiling,

my necklace was nothing special it had black plasic letters and it said arrrrrgh on a gold chain,

"Thanks" i said snapping and going back to my phone, she just didnt give up though, "i can just tell we are going to be the greatist of friends" she said excitedly,

"uh huh, im sure of it!" i said for once smiling a smile that asn forced, then Ashley pullred me in to a bone crashing hug.

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