Chapter 6: Neu

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"Emma-dear, where is Ray?", so he didn't come after all.
Everyone was gathered at the main hall, right in front of the door which led to to freedom outside- that's at least what the little ones thought when they wanted to go outside and play after they've done their chores neatly and eaten up their breakfast.

Holding little Phil by her hand, (Y/N) scanned her surroundings, eying everyone and looking for a certain boy. She did have a feeling he might not come, but it wasn't for sure that he wouldn't come at all- so here they were, three missing one.
Noticing a soft tug on her hand, her orbs met dark blue ones, "Will Norman go forever now?", his cute cat like smile was turned into a bittersweet one, anticipating an answer he might not really even want "Aw no, I'm sure he'll write us a very nice letter, Phil!", with a nice cover-up attitude, she picked up Phil and secured him by her hip, letting her arms slide past his butt so he can safely sit tight in a steady position.

"The infirmary." Murrured Emma, glancing down a she turned her head ever so slightly towards the Mother of the hell hole, "He said he didn't want to say good bye to Norman". Sighing deeply, (Y/N) stared at Norman, then at Emma. Not even Phil failed to notice the life drain Emmas wonderful green eyes-- they weren't as bright as the used to be. Not filled with happiness when one of her siblings has finally found a nice home, now that she finally knows, looking the truth straight into the eye, she couldn't bear to see her siblings run towards the open deathbed.
Not even (Y/N), who promised herself this morning, she would stay strong for the sake of her best friend Emma, for the sake of Ray. Not even the little girl could catch Normans constant begging for her eye contact. Using the boy on her arm as a distraction, (Y/N) laughed and smiled away, feeling like she was in some freaky horror story like the ones Ray used to read to her.

"Norman is really going to die if we won't stop him right NOW!", the (H/C) haired remembered the conversation she had with Emma alongside Ray, who sat devastated on the bed, moments ago. "It's impossible..", said (Y/N), mouth covering her mouth stoping it from quivering, "We can't stop him at all.. Mama is on high alert!", eyes watering, Emma took a hold of the other girls' shoulder, making her crutch fall in the process: "Most of all Norman has made that decision himself."
"I now he doesn't want to die.", said Ray- his words still echoing in the girls mind, how his smooth voice suddenly shaken up, "He must be scared to death right now and yet...", his sharp tone and aggressive breathing. "There's nothing we can...", (Y/N) voice trailed "", she breathed, her sentence, more sounding like a question to herself.
"He will truly die in vain.", said Ray as he lowered his head into his open palm, fingers scratching his hairline. There was nothing that they could've done, other than simply watch silently over their friend disappear. Though (Y/N) was quickly interrupted by quick movements that happened around her.
The dreamy smiley she gifted little Phil washed away as she saw Emma rush past through their siblings and jump on to Norman, hugging him tight in the process as she mumbled a small "I won't let you go!". While it seemed small, there was something in her voice that was firm nod as quick as she was on him, Norman pushed her off of himself, catching his breath "There is a limit on how reckless you can be you idiot!!", adjusting himself he sat up, since while she jumped on him, they fell, "Shut up, I won't let you go!", Emmas face screamed anger, looking at him with her big eyes, she did not notice Mama stepping behind Norman "Why won't you listen Emma, what you're doing isn't even close to what I want.", his face dropped, demeanor softening, "I just waned you to see me off with a smile..", glancing up in search of any ounce of sorrow in her eyes, Norman decided to look through the many faces of his sibling, meeting the surprised stare of (Y/N), "Please, just respect my wish.."

It was as if for a moment he was talking to the (H/C) haired girl, thinking back to the moment where he desperately tried to keep her in his line of sight, though she kept dodging it.

"No, this is the only which that I refuse to respect, Norman!", called the ginger out, "Because I know that deep down, this isn't even something that you want!", Norman broke the finally held eye contact and whipped his head towards the girl besides him- this was truly not what he wanted. He wants to live. There he felt a stir in his heart, the naivety of the girl in their little friends group that they would describe as the little sunshine. Like a warm summers breeze, her energy made him reconsider. And as he readied himself for a hug, arms up to her shoulders, his hands ready to touch her warm face, he felt the hat, which had fallen off, being placed on the top of his head: "It is time, Norman."
Behind him stood the head of it all. The wolf dressed in a lambs dress. "Calm down, Emma-dear.", helping both of the children up on to their feet, she continued "I understand that you will miss him, but you're definitely overreacting."
Looking over at the worried faces of Don and Gilda, Norman smiled "I'm leaving Emma, Ray and (Y/N) in your hands.", to which they only could not silently.

As the albino nodded back, his glance swept over to said girl, who kept replaying his words in her head over and over again 'respect his wish'. Norman only let out a chuckle, seeing both Phils and her look to be worried. Brows creased and constantly trying to fight the limb in her throat by swallowing repeatedly. She carefully let go of Phil who slid past her waist and let her legs carry her towards Norman. (Y/N) mind turned off as her arms flung around Normans neck, pulling him close and locking him in place. Her nose stung, eyes watered.
Pulling off of the girl, his soft smile met her gaze. "Smile for me", he whispered, "please."
Mind blank with a creased brow, (Y/N) smiled that dreamy smile again when she consoled little Phil.

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