A Day Off

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Y/n's Pov: 

        The early afternoon sun streams into my room, the sound of birds chirping drifting in through my open bedroom window. With a smile I place my drawing pad down on the nightstand beside my bed before standing up with a stretch, a sigh slipping from my lips as my shoulders pop. 

"Silv, time to get up sleepy head" I coo, gently shaking Silver awake

"Mmmm..." Silver whines, turning away from me in response

"Come on Silv, we've got some errands to run." I say as I grab the list off of my desk before turning towards where Silver is currently sleeping

"Ugh why... It's our day off." He whines finally opening his eyes and looking at me 

"Because we're meeting up with Shikamaru later and we need to get our errands done before then, now come on." 

"Ok fine." Silver sighs, stretching as he gets up from his spot on my bed before jumping down and following me out of the room and to the door. 

"Akira we're going out for a bit." I call to the now slightly graying wolfdog as I pull the door open, Silver jumping to his usual spot on my head. I pull the door behind us softly, quickly locking it before we leave. 

        The walk into town is uneventful, Silver and I passing the trip in a calm and comfortable silence. Once reaching the market we set to work on gathering the things on the list. 

"Oh Silv, take a look at this." I say as I gently pick up a kunai, admiring it's sharp blade and the beautiful blue chrome etching along the hilt.


"If only it weren't so expensive." I wistfully sigh as I glance at the price tag before gently place the kunai back in it's spot on the display before making my way over to the more affordable kunai

        As I'm making my selection from the kunai available a commotion just outside the stall catches my attention. Turning slightly to see what the problem was a wave of annoyance washes over me as I spot Kiba's ninken Akamaru sprinting through the market like crazy and making a mess of everything. 

"Silv, wait here, I'll be right back." I groan, Silver nodding

        Acting quickly I sprint after the fast and very over-active puppy, just barely managing to catch him by the scruff of the neck before he could rush off and create more mayhem. 

"Gotcha! You little rascal." I huff as Akamaru squirms in my grip "Now where's your master?" 

"Akamaru! Where are you boy!?" I hear Kiba shout in the distance

"He's over here Kiba!" I call as Kiba quickly comes into view

"Oh good, you caught him. Thanks." Kiba sighs as I hand Akamaru over to him 

"Your welcome, now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to my own ninken." I say, turning from Kiba with a sigh 

"Thanks again Y/n." Kiba calls after me as I make my way back to the stall

"Your welcome Kiba." I respond 

        After returning for Silver I finish making my selections from the various kunai and shuriken and leave the stall, completing our shopping. 

"Hey Silv, what do you say we stop and get some lunch before heading home?" 

"Yeah, I'm starving." Silver nods enthusiastically 

"Ichiraku sound ok?" 

"Yeah." Silver grins

"Ok, Ichiraku ramen it is." I giggle at Silver enthusiasm, the two of us making our way to the small family owned restaurant

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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