A new friend

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Shikamaru's Pov:

I sigh as I walk in the door from another boring day of classes at the academy, immediately slipping my bag off and tossing it to the side.

"I'm home!" I call as I sit to pull my sandals off

"Shikamaru Nara! Your late! Where have you been!?" My mother shouts as she storms out of the kitchen, whacking me on the head with a frying pan.

"Ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I cry out as I rub my now sore head

"Now, don't take your shoes off because I need you to take this over to Y/n Shiru. She lives in the Shouta compound." Mom says walking to the kitchen and coming back with a picnic basket

"What a drag.... why do I have to do it." I whine

"Because Shikamaru, the poor girl just lost the only family she had left. And I don't have time to take it to her myself." She snaps, giving me an annoyed look "Now don't make me ask you again."

"Uhg... Fine...." I moan in annoyance as I take the basket from mom, mumbling 'such a drag' under my breath.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" Mom asks, giving me a pointed glare

"N...nothing" I stutter, tensing up. 'Man, she can be really scary...'

"That's what i thought. Now get going."

"Fine..." I grumble as I trudge out the door with the basket in hand

Y/n's pov:

Upon returning from the Hokage's office with Akira I break down in tears. I sink to the floor in tears, burying my face in Akira's fur as sobs wrack my body.

A sudden knock sounds on my front door as I get up from the floor with a sniff and walk over to the door, wiping at my tears as I pull the door open, revealing Shikamaru; a boy from my class with dark brown eyes and straight black hair tied back into a tight spiky ponytail, a basket in his hand.

"S...Shikamaru? C...can I help you?" I sniff as I rub my eye

"Y...yeah. My Mom had me bring this over for you." He says as he pushes the basket into my hands

"O...oh, thank you."

"Yeah, no problem.... Oh! And, um.... sorry about your Aunt." He stutters as he nervously rubs the back of his head

"Thanks Shikamaru..." I mutter, a soft smile coming to my face as I sit the basket down

"No problem... well, I'd better get going."

"Wait." I say as he then turns to leave, stopping as I reach out and grab his hand, my face pink from slight embarrassment as he turns back to face me. "Y...you don't have to leave so soon. W...why don't you stay?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I mean there's more than enough food here for us to share." I say nodding "Be....besides... I don't really want to be alone right now..."

"Ok... sure." He says shrugging


"Yeah, why not? It's not like I've anything better to do."

"Yay! Thank you!" I cheer as I throw my arms him in a hug

"Yeah, yeah. No need to make such a big deal out of it, troublesome girl." He grumbles softly

"Hehe.... Sorry...." I chuckle nervously as I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment

"Don't worry about it...." He says, rubbing the back of his neck

We then go inside and spend the next hour eating the delicious food that Shikamaru's mom made at the kotatsu table, the two of us chatting away happily throughout the whole meal.

"That was so good." I says smiling happily "Your Mom's a great cook."

"Yeah she is." Shikamaru nods before glancing out the window, my eyes following his gaze to the the sun setting as a sigh leaves his lips "Well It's getting late, I should be getting home."

"Oh... Ok." I say as we both stand up from the kotatsu and we walk to the front door and step out onto the front porch. We stand there for a few moments in awkward silence till Shikamaru makes the first move to speak.

"Well, see you later Y/n..."

"Yeah, see you later Shikamaru. And thank you for everything."

"Yeah, no problem." He says, a light blush coming to his cheeks and he rubs the back of his head shyly as a soft smile forms on his face "It was fun."

"Yeah, it was." I nod as a smile forms on my face "We should hang out again sometime."

"I'd like that." Shikamaru agrees, nodding with a grin

"Well, I've got to get home. See you at school on Monday, Y/n." He says as he turns to leave, throwing his hand up in a lazy wave as he begins to walk away

"Bye Shikamaru, see you at school!" I call after him while waving goodbye before heading back inside with a smile, the door closing behind me with a soft click.

Shikamaru's pov:

I return home with a sigh, closing the door behind me as quietly and carefully as I can.

"Shikamaru Nara!! You are in so much trouble young man!" My mother shouts angrily from behind me, instantly making me tense up.

I gulp as I nervously turn to face her, my body shaking in fear at seeing the angry expression on her face 'Man, I really made her mad this time. What a drag.'.

"Where in the world were you!? You should have been back from the Shouta compound over an hour ago!" She scolds as she crosses her arms over her chest

"I... I'm sorry Mom..." I stutter nervously "I took the basket to Y/n's. S... she was upset a... and asked me to hang out with her. S...so I did."

My mother's face instantly softens, a sigh escaping her pursed lips as she shakes her head, mumbling something under breath before she turns her attention back to me.

"Well, I guess I can't be too mad at you in light of that information." She sighs "However, your still in trouble for not telling me where you were young man. So your grounded for the rest of the weekend."

"Ah man! What a drag!" I moan in annoyance

"I don't want to hear it Shikamaru. Now go to your room." She scolds as she points in the direction of my room

"Yes ma'am..." I grumble as I hang my head in defeat and trudge to my room with a sigh 'This is going to be a long weekend. What a drag.'

A/n: Alright my lovely dragons! That is the end of chapter four! I hope you lovelies enjoy! Stay awesome my lovelies! I'll see you lovelies in the next chapter!

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