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Leader: Bluestar- blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes and silver tinged around her muzzle
Deputy: Redtail- dark tortoiseshell tom with a bushy ginger tail
and amber eyes
Apprentice, Dustpaw
Medicine Cat: Spottedleaf- tortieshell she-cat with amber eyes

Warriors (toms and she-cats without kits):
Patchpelt- black and white tom with orange eyes
Lionheart- golden tabby tom with green eyes and thick fur like a lions mane
Tigerclaw- big dark brown tabby with unusually long front claws and amber eyes
Apprentice, Ravenpaw
Whitestorm- big white tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Sandpaw
Mousefur- small dusky brown she-cat with brown eyes
Runningwind- swift tabby tom with green eyes
Darkstripe- sleek black and gray tabby with amber eyes
Apprentice, Longpaw

Apprentices (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors):
Longpaw- pale tabby tom with dark black stripes and green eyes; is 12 moons old
Sandpaw- pale ginger she-cat with green eyes; is 8 moons old
Dustpaw- dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes; is 8 moons old, and brother is Ravenpaw
Ravenpaw- small black tom with a white tail-tip and green eyes; is 8 moons old, and brother is Dustpaw

Queens (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
Willowpelt- very pale gray she-cat with unusually blue eyes (kit is Graykit)
Goldenflower- pale ginger coat with green eyes (kit is Swiftkit)
Frostfur- beautiful white coat with blue eyes (kits are Cinderkit, Brackenkit, Thornkit, and Brightkit)
Speckletail- pale golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes (currently has no kits)

Elders (former warriors and queens, now retired)
Halftail- big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing and amber eyes
Smallear- gray tom with very small ears and amber eyes; oldest tom alive in ThunderClan
Dappletail- once beautiful tortieshell with amber eyes and ia lovely dappled coat
One-eye- pale gray she-cat with one eye amber; Virtually blind and deaf

Kits (cats under the age of 6 moons)
Graykit- long-haired gray tom with amber eyes; is 5 moons old
Swiftkit- black and white tom with amber eyes; is 4 moons old
Cinderkit- fluffy gray she-kit; is less than one moon old
Brackenkit- golden-brown tabby; is less than one moon old
Thornkit- golden-brown tabby; is less than one moon old
Brightkit- white she-kit with ginger patches; is less than one moon old


Leader: Brokenstar- dark brown tabby with amber eyes
Deputy: Blackfoot- large white tom with huge jet black paws
Medicine Cat: Yellowfang- old dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face and orange eyes
Apprentice, Runningnose

Boulder- silver tabby tom
Russetfur- dark ginger she-cat
Clawface- battle-scarred brown tom
Stumpytail- brown tabby tom

Leader: Tallstar- black and white tom with a very long tail
Deputy: Deadfoot- black tom with amber eyes and a twisted paw
Medicine Cat: Barkface- short tailed brown tom

Mudclaw- mottled dark brown tom
Tornear- tabby tom
Morningflower- tortieshell she-cat

Leader: Crookedstar- tabby tom with green eyes and a twisted jaw
Deputy: Timberfur- big burly graying brown tom with sleek fur
Medicine Cat: Mudfur- long haired brown tom

Leopardfur- unusually spotted golden she-cat
Apprentice, Whitepaw
Blackclaw- smoky black tom with amber eyes
Loudbelly- dark brown tom
Stonefur- gray tom with battle scarred ears
Mistyfoot- blue-gray she-cat
Silverstream- pretty slender silver-gray tabby

Cats Outside Clans
Barley- black and white tom who lives on a farm close to the forest

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