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Eric always loved the sea.

He had books upon books about the sea. What creatures lived there, the environment, sailing, anything that had to do with the sea.

He read what he could, but being a prince came with a lot of responsibility that didn't allow much free time. He wanted to go out to the sea and study it, he wanted to swim and observe the fish but he never could.

One day he snuck out of the castle, alone. He borrowed a small row boat from the royal fishers and went out to sea. He went as far as he dared, he had sat out there for most of the day, just sitting there and enjoying the quiet.

By the time he had spotted the dark storm clouds the sea had already turned.

The water had been still and peaceful one second and then the next it had grown violent and angry. The waves rocked against his boat, tipping it that way and this way. He tried to row his boat but the sea ripped the oars out of his hands.

He knew he was too far out to call for help for anyone to hear him. He gripped the sides of the boat and held on for his life, but the sea won. It threw the boat through the air and landed upside down, Eric's fingers slipped and he tumbled out of the boat.

He kicked himself up to the surface, reaching it only to be thrown under again. He kept trying but it was a game that he was losing.

As his vision began to dim he felt fingers wrap around his wrists and start to pull him. He fought the unconsciousness and tried to see his savior. All he could make out was red hair and a green tail.

Tail? And then his vision went dark.


When he woke he was alone. He sat up and looked around at his surroundings. He'd been dumped on the beach close to his palace. He looked out at the sea to see if his savior might be there, but it was empty.

A mermaid had saved him. He was sure of it, but no one would believe him. Mermaids were myths, fairytales told to children. But he knew it was a mermaid who saved him. Was there more? Could there be a whole reef full of them?

He needed to find out. He wanted to find the mermaid who had saved him and thank her.

He stood up and hurried back to the palace with a purpose; to find someone who could help him. 

He spent all day talking to the staff, looking through books about witches, staring at the sea trying to get a glimpse of the mermaid. Finally one of the staff members told him of a healing witch down on the far side of the town, she said she wasn't sure if the witch could help him though. He didn't care, it was worth a shot.

He couldn't go out that night, he had a ball to attend, but the next day he woke up early and set off to the witches.

The healing witch lived in a cottage. It was like the size of a mouse if the palace was the size of a cat. The house had plants running up and down its walls, showing the brown siding through little gaps in the plants. The wooden door had a small red tint to it. On both sides of the door were windows, too dark to see into.

Eric walked up the stone path to the door and gave two quick knocks. "Coming!" A small voice from inside called out. When the door opened a small woman stood inside it. Her hair shone grey, and her eyes were the color of the plants climbing her house. "Prince Eric!" She exclaimed and bowed quickly. "Come in, I've been expecting you."

"You have?" He asked, stepping through the door. The house was dark, even with all the candles she had going.

"I have. Come, come." She beckoned.

Eric followed her through the room, careful not to bump into anything. She had piles of books, tables everywhere that had so much stuff on it you couldn't see the surface of the table. At the back of the room where the witch stopped was a fireplace, a pot hanging in it. "What are you cooking?" He asked, peering into it, and seeing clear liquids.

"Your spell." She reached up to a shelf and grabbed various bottles, all with different colors.

"My spell?"

"To make you a merman." She turned to the pot and started opening bottles and dumping them in.

"How did you know?" Eric asked.

"It's like a feeling, a sixth sense if you will." She explained.

"What's the price?"

"OOH!" She turned to face him, her face lit up. "You're a smart one! The potion will erase your land memories, expect for the mermaid who saved you."

"How do I get them back?"

"You have to kiss her."

"That sounds simple. Is there anything else?" Eric knew that when making deals with witches it always came with a hefty price.

"If you don't kiss her, your memories will be lost forever and you will be stuck as a merman."

"Oh." That didn't sound to bad, did it? He'd always loved the sea more than the land, but who would take over as king when his father died? But he could meet the mermaid who saved him, and thank her. Was it worth the risk? "Do I have to kiss her?"

The witch looked as if she'd been slapped. "Do you not love her?"

"I just want to thank her for saving me. I don't even know her!" He explained.

"Hmm.." The witch held up a finger and left the room. When she returned she held a shell, it shone a light pink in the dim light. She handed the shell to him and went to the pot, grabbing an empty bottle. She poured a little of the spell into the bottle and handed it to him. "You have two options, you can either drink the potion and become a merman or," She pointed to the shell. "Use that to call her to you and thank her."

"It would be that easy?"


He looked between the two, unsure. "Could I pay you for both?"

"No payment for you." She looked at the potion. "If you drink the potion you only have twenty-four hours."

"Oh... that sounds risky..."

"It is, but it could also be worth it. Now go, I have another client on their way." She pushed him towards the door.

"Of course. Thank you!" He exclaimed as she slammed the door closed.

Eric looked between the two items. Is it better to call her to him? Or go on an adventure and risk never coming back? Being safe and sticking to the life he doesn't like. or taking a leap and going somewhere he loves?

Eric started his walk to the beach, lost in thought. 

He loved the sea and having the chance to become a merman was a once in a life time opportunity. It would allow him to be closer to the thing he loves, allow him to learn up close about the sea. He'd always had to be a prince first and this would allow him to explore something he loved. Sure he had been doing this to thank the mermaid, but now... he wanted to do it for his love of the sea.

If he just called her to him, would she even show up? It was the safe option, nothing would change. He'd keep learning to be king and keep doing prince things. He didn't hate his life, but he didn't like how it was all planned out. He wanted to do the things he liked and he couldn't.

Eric had made it to the beach. He looked out at the sea. The sun hovering over casting a magical glow. The waves making the reflection of the sun look as if it was dancing. He looked back at the palace. The white palace walls with windows here and there. The sun shining on the golden roof, light bouncing off it.

He dropped the shell and uncorked the bottle. As he waded into the water he chugged the potion. He went deeper and deeper, until he forgot the witch, the palace, his father, his books. Until he no longer felt legs and instead felt a tail. He jumped up into the air and dove down into the water like a dolphin. 

Swimming towards Atlantis, looking for a red haired and green tailed mermaid.

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