Chapter One

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I walk into kitchen, and I go over to a drawer. I slide it open and I pull a apron out. I wrap the apron around my waist and tying it at the back. I walk over to the fridge and grab out some unsalted butter. I close the fridge and open the giant cupboards. I grab out salt, flour, sugar, ground cinnamon, ground cloves, ground ginger. Before my arms get to full I place the ingreadiants down on my counter. I grab baking soda and molasses. I whisk the ingreadiants together with a mixing bowl. I grab the dough out of the bowl and sprinkle flour on the table. I place the dough on the table, I walk over to a different cupboard and I take the rolling pin and cookie cutters. I roll out the dough and cut out tons of gingerbread men. I place them on a pan then slide them in the oven. Ten minutes later I open the oven to a sweet smell of cinnamon, I glance at the golden gingerbread cookies and I grab a oven mitt pulling the hot tray out of the oven and sliding it on the stove. I make some royal icing and scoop some into piping bags, I place a small tip onto the end and I draw red faces and buttons. I draw the bow tie and extra detail green. I finish it off I dust sugar onto the gingerbread cookies, the same way the snow was sprinkled onto the grass. After I repeat the steps on every one I grab a plate, putting all of them on. I walk in from the kitchen to the bakery I carefully add the cookies onto a tray and slide them back behind the glass where the rest of the display is. I rush over to the cash register, the bakery was crowded with people. Most days it was like this, a long line up. Booths and tables already full. My Grandma has to keep going back to the kitchen to make more sweets. I notice Logan in the long line, I shoot a quick wave to him. He waves back smiling, it's kind of awkward having a crush on your best friend, especially if you share secrets with them. After I take everyone's order I take my apron off and meet up with Lilian and Landen. "You have something on your face," Lilian says. She wipes some flour off of my face. I laugh, "I was in a rush," We see Vanessa, she used to be our friend. But then she just started hanging out with the popular group, and just like that she left us. "She's coming this way," Landen says. "What do you want," Lilian asks. "If it isn't Orphan Annie, and her sidekicks," She laughs. I run away tears streaming down my cheeks, I can't believe she said that. I run into the forest and lean next to a tree. When I was friends with her, I told her why I lived with my grandma, my parents died in a car crash when I was six. I can't even remember them. But I have pictures of them holding me, me on my dads shoulders. Sometimes I think it was all just a set up, that she originally was with the popular people. That she came just to find our secrets. But now I guess we'll never know. I close my eyes and before I realize I drift off to sleep.

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