Chapter Two

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I slowly open my eyes, as they adjust to the light I look around me. Landen stands infront of me, I realize I am in his house. "You could have been eaten, by something!" Landen shouts breaking the silence. "That was kind of the whole point," I say weakly. "You know me or Lil would never let that happen to you," Landen says. "Don't let her get to you Carter, It's what she wants," Landen finishes. "How did I even get in here?" I ask clueless. "I carried you, your pretty light," Landen chuckles. "Well I'm pretty picky," I giggle. "I know," Landen smiles. His smile makes me melt, his dimples complement his smile perfectly. I smile back with my teeth, humiliated I close my lips smiling closed. I had gotten braces, I thought they made me ugly. I had purple ones to make the situation better. "Cmon Car, I like your smile, no need to hide it," Landon says. I smile, with my teeth. "Thank you," I say blushing. "Lilian is waiting us at Clovers," Landen adds. Clovers is me and my grandmas bakery. I get up off the couch and look down, my clothes from yesterday covered in dirt. I frown still looking down. "Do you have any old clothes I can borrow?" I ask hoping he says yes. Landen goes up into his room, two minutes later he comes back down with sweatpants and a regular t-shirt. "Thanks so much," I say. He hands me the clothes and I go into the bathroom. I change into his comfy clothes and then fix my messy hair. After I freshen up I walk out. "Ready?" I ask. Landen nods and holds out his arm, laughing I link with him, smiling. We go outside and he unlocks his car, I open the passenger door and sit down, I buckle up and he does the same. Landen begins driving. Five minutes later he pulls up in the parking lot, struggling to find a parking spot. Landen and I get out of his car and hurry in. I search around for Lilian and I see her motioning toward her. "Nice clothes," Lilian laughs. "Didn't you hear, this is the new style," I joke. "Well, we better get to work," I say. Landen and Lilian work at the bakery too. They take orders, and make the food. Just like me. I go into the kitchen and make sweet old lady a tea. When I was four she saved my life, I was playing at the park and I was near the sidewalk. I tripped onto the road and a garbage truck was coming, but I didn't notice. Right when the tire was a few inches away from me she grabbed me off the street. So everytime I give her free sweets or whatever she orders. After my shift is over I jump in my car and drive to my house. I run upstairs as soon as I get inside. I pull out my phone and text Lil.
Is Gran still at Clovers? -C

Let me check. -L

Okay. -C

Her car is here, but she isn't
inside. -L

I hope she's okay, I am coming don't leave. -C

Wasn't planning to I still need to take everything off display -L

I rush outside getting in my car and driving to Clovers. I see Lilian's car along with Granny's. I meet Lilian inside. She passes me a cup of coffee and I take a sip. I look around and open the cash register, no money gone. I see a piece of paper on a table, I walk up to it and drop my cup hot coffee burning my legs but not noticing. The note said.

If you want to see your Grandma again, you will do what I say. xoxo

" LILY, COME HERE," I cry.
Who would blackmail me? The only person that came to mind was Vanessa. Who else hates her that much. Lilian comes rushing over, gasping but not dropping her cup. My jaw dropped, right when I saw the note. I hear my phone buzz I lift it up and there is a text that says.

Good, now we are on the same page xoxo -Unknown

I gasp again holding the text in my hand. I grap the note and stuff it in my bag for evidence. "Cmon Car, we should have a good night sleep and start searching in the morning," Lilian says. I guess she was right, searching for Gran while half asleep would not help.

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