Ummmmmm... ok?

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Clara opened her eyes to see herself on the floor.

"Is that really how I look?", She thought to herself.

The Doctor was still knocked out. Probably because he hasn't slept in 12 days, 4 hours, 21 minutes, and 15 seconds. But if they switched bodies then would Clara be sleeping? Nobody knows.

Clara got to her knees and stared at the reflection of The Doctor, staring back at her in the TARDIS cylinder thingy. (A.N idk what it's called)

Clara stood up and stared down at her attire. Or, The Doctor's. "This is going to take some time getting used too", She thought to herself.

The Doctor opened his eyes and saw he was Clara.

"Blimey! My head is all slow and WAIT!!! No... 1 heart? Ewwww!!! Ugh, this is going to be so disgusting...."

"Doctor, shut up, my heart is racing. It's like I'm running the Boston marathon!!!"



"Clara this is just soooo disgusting!!!"

"Shut up Doctor, I have to deal with a body that RUNS A MARATHON 24/7!!!"

"Well I have to deal with a body that's slower than the.....BOSTON MARATHON!!!"

"Doctor that was not a very good pun."

"Oh well lets just get registered at the candy land gate to show then we switched out bodies."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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