To what exstant

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I was writing a letter to Johnny and angry about him being with a woman and betraying me when all I asked was of love in return.   Then I heard a familiar angelic voice and turned around and met jiru by the eye.  He know what I was doing and he grabbed one of his katanas  and unsheathed it and started to threaten me with horrific torture with it.  He had a wild look in his eye in knew this was one of his multiple personalities emerging.   A protective personality.
"I know your in there jiru...calm down," even though I was going to face a gory death.   " I was writing an angry letter to my ex it's you who I love." I took the samurai sword away from him throw it away and pulled him closer.  Our lips touched and caressed eachother.
"It's you who only have Joey," jiru said.   He said that he loved me in Japanese and continued to kiss me. 
"Can someone deal with the letter," I said. 
"No let me tell him in person and kill him,". Jiru said.   "I don't like it when yakuza cannot act like men but sissies."  He kissed me deeply. Soon he was making love to me orally teasing me until I spilled my essence. 
"What are you going to do with Johnny,"
"My syndicate will take over his after I murder him sweetly,"
I couldn't bear the thought of Johnny being dead over some phantom woman.   I had to do something this. 
"So jiru you're an oyabun or boss."
"Yes my love"
" stay here will darling Joey!"
" I am going to deal with this kono yaro for you my love."
Alarm bell started to ring in my head that something was definitely wrong that I have actually met the real life Oren Ishii.  And he was going to start to kill the one that I actually love the most. I couldn't placate him anymore as he was gone to kill Johnny and I was afraid I would lose Johnny Forever.  
I stayed poured as long as I could but then the anxiety got to me and I had to run out of jiru's House to see what was going to happen if I can put a stop to it. When I got there it was too late he was already there confronting Johnny.  My heart sank as I knew that this was the last side of Johnny was going to see some beautiful but psychotic person.
" what are you doing" Johnny asked.
"To talk to with you with the aid of my katana!"
"You're just a fem boy"
"And you fuck girls,"
"Who are you"
"I am the real Oren Ishii, my name is jiru,"  he said. "Do you know whose making love to me."
"Not Joey"
I didn't have the guts to go in and try to stop everything but I had to. I was in a conference zone with myself emotionally between jiru and Johnny I didn't know who I was going to have to choose. I was going to call the police to say that someone was going to wack Johnny. 
I got my phone out and whispered to the police that the real Oren Ishii  has shown her self. I told him the location of where less deadly and gruesome affair was going to take place and then I was the cause of it. I said I was willing to turn myself in for Johnny's murder. 
That's when I got enough courage to say that I want jiru to stop.  I told him that I couldn't be with him if he was going to kill Johnny over a silly thing over a woman. Frustrated jiru is  he was going to To make the first strike in a fight with you or anybody Johnny ended up coming up with a gun and shot jiru point blank between the eyes.    I heard the crank of the samurai sword being dropped and then the form of a human body hitting the floor jiru was dead. 
"Do you realize that you killed your biggest rival in the yakuza world,"
"Yes Joey," he barked.  "Why did you follow him around like a love sick puppy"
"Because I thought you were with a woman,"
" I had those men outcasted from my syndicate and a price on their heads." He reassured me.  "No body stops me with being with you.  I missed you Joey!"
" I missed you Johnny"
" you do know there are going to be a trust issue for sleeping with Oren." Johnny pointed out... " then maybe I might thank about marrying you."
"I would never touch a woman when I have you Joey.  But it hurts me that you'd be with that psychotic sociopath but at least I got rid of him and his syndicate."
I wanted to kiss Johnny but he recoil from my touch. " trust issues"
" that stinking bastard  was going to torture me with his katana until I died."
" your too king about that feminine looking jiru."
"Well he's dead."
It was right then and there that I thought that my love at the time my feminine looking beautiful love was going to Brainwash me and put me into his syndicate to go and kill my love of my life why I actually love of my life Johnny. It scared the living daylights out of me to know that he was going to do that to me through love and sex.  I knew he was crazy and psycho but I knew he was beautiful in the inside but now he is dead I just saw Johnny left. Who is very much angry towards me and absurd. I didn't blame him and I wouldn't blame her he called off the wedding to begin with. I have done wrong why I betrayed him and betraying  his existence on this planet.   
As far as jiru was Concerned I don't think the police would reward of yakuza boss to kill anymore they were looking for in the first place- Oren.
Adversity Castro and I love our relationship was harsh but I was getting easier as the days went on and he let me sleep with him. I wanted to be with him so bad but he was still a little leery. I didn't blame him on that one. I remember still having dreams about jiru or a hearing his angelic voice as he was going to call me and I was wrong to seduce me once more. But I had to keep these dreams don't myself for Johnny was going to lose his cool if you found out that I still had jiru in my heart and thoughts.
I woke up one night after those dreams and said that they're going to autopsy jiru and got him like a fish. 
"Yes that's what we all want at this moment to have him gutted my a doctor.   I ordered the autopsying of jiru,
I was to the point where is grief stricken I didn't care if I was still with Johnny but I always grew Strachan for hero who do not have a fighting chance against and water neighbourhood and was .  girl I was sad and depression.    I want nothing more than for you to Cheryls sweet tarts and the car is so crazy... On my way oil. But when I saw it was on my friends clothing band T-shirts instead of anything else I knew I was in a safe place but my story does not end here. I am very saddened for jiru,.  

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