Artificial Intelligence - 5

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(There is a reference in this chapter, that I don't think some of you may get. It's part of a line which says: ''of crystal vase and chandelier". It's a quote from the poem: The Uncle Speaks in the Drawing Room. l'll prob make reference to it again later in the story so I would advise you to read it on google or something! By Adrienne Rich!)

“It’s no problem”, I answer like I am supposed to. Of course it’s no problem for me.

Wasting no more time for worthless chit chat, he ushered me in, ready to get down to business.


Pulling the professional facade back on my appearance, I followed Mr Mason, with his bodyguard trailing closely beside him. He didn’t seem very much perturbed by it though. After passing a small hallway, I was led through a pair of large, oak doors, into an outstandingly exquisite lobby, of crystal vase, and chandelier. A large staircase erected from the central area of the room, branching off into two parts and then running along the wall until they met to form some sort of circular balcony overlooking the area we were in now. A lavishly thick, plush red carpet covered the floor, with golden flowers and spiral patterns weaving through it. The wooden panelling of the banister itself seemed to be polished to perfection.

“Now I’ll just call down the man himself and let you two get acquainted with each other – the quicker, the better eh?” he rubbed his hands together, making his way over to the base of the grand staircase. I just nodded politely, telling him yes of course, if that was what he wanted.

Richard Mason called up to his son in a hoarse voice, but there was no reply. He called up again... and then again... and once more just to make sure, but to no avail. Creasing his eyebrows, he wondered aloud. “What has that boy been up now...” Then, as if remembering I was there, turned and tapped his forehead. “I even told him to be ready to meet you today”. Disappointment was evident in his tone, even though he did do his best to cloud it. Sadly, I was trained in spotting these things.

“It’s no problem”, I replied sincerely. Really, may he take all the time he needed. It did irk me however that he was ignorant of his father, someone irreplaceable to him. God forbid someone did kidnap him, who was to say he wouldn’t regret his past actions? Maybe he would never get a chance to repent? The persona of Jason Mason was really starting to bother me, and I had yet to meet him.

“Would you please ask George where he is?” Richard Mason asked his guard, exasperated. “I really do apologise, you know”, he turned to me, apologetically.

“Yes sir, of course” the guard responded, pressing down on his minute earphone, patching through to whoever George was. My best guess – his previous bodyguard. After a small silence, we discovered Jason was in his room, refusing to come out.

I shut my eyes for a second, lightly shaking my head. There was a lot of work to be done with this one. When Richard Mason turned back to me, sadness clouded his features. “He knows this is for his benefit”, he whispered, and for some reason, my heart yearned out to him. The poor guy really deserved a better son than him. I decided then that if I was going to be his bodyguard, I had to tackle him myself.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll go up and see him yourself. You can call George down, sir”, I spoke directly to Richard Mason who smiled tentatively back.

“Your choice, but sure – eh, Mike, call down George would you? And Kiera, his room is the second door on the third corridor once you turn right on the staircase there”, he directed, pointing in the correct direction. I gave a curt nod and followed his instructions, taking in everything as I walked.

Dim lighting covered the walls, giving the house a very relaxed and cosy feel, even though its residents seemed to be quite the opposite. The walls were papered with thick cream wallpaper, and I ran my hands across it, contemplating on how best to handle this situation. I met George on the way, to whom I gave a curt nod to. He looked slightly startled from me appearance – possible finding it hard to believe that a girl my age was qualified for the job.

“Don’t worry, I have been trained”, I informed him, and he gave a short laugh back. I turned my head and watched him march down the stairs. Nice guy... on first accounts anyway.

Even before I reached his room, I could hear the loud, rock music playing from his room, making it pointless for me to knock on his door. I needed another way to get his attention. Tapping my fingers against the baseline of my jaw for just a second, I struck my leg out and rammed down his door in one swift movement, all the while thinking that this wasn’t the ideal situation I had in mind when I first took those karate lessons in grade four.

As the door crashed onto the floor, I got my first impression of Jason Mason from his room – posters of rock bands, a large flat screen television, a king sized poster bed, and clothing sprawled across the cream carpet. And in the centre of it all, with a remote in his hands, was Jason Mason, who was shouting out indignantly.

What the hell was-” he stopped short once his gaze met mine. His eyes widened profoundly, and he raised his remote cautiously in my direction. I answered his question before he had the chance to say it.

“Kiera Thornton, you’re personal bodyguard, at your service”, I leaned against the now empty doorframe, crossing my arms. “Nice to meet you”, I raised my eyebrows. For the spoiled brat he seemed to be, his looks were not bad, outside the technical adjustments. At this moment, his brown hair stood up on his head like grass, probably from his exclusive use of gel. His chin was scruffy, but otherwise, he had a clean shave. His eyes though, seemed flat and guarded. Toned muscles could still be seen peering through his Timberland t-shirt, but I had seen better. He also had a pair of sweatpants on, hanging low on the waist.

“Uh... nice to meet you too...” he spoke slowly, the direction of his head switching back and forth from the broken door, to me. If I had a penny for each time I had received that look... nah, I still wouldn’t have as much money as I did now.

I smirked at his answer, enjoying this attitude while I could still have it. “You’re father requests you downstairs, so it would be appreciative if you did actually listen to him”. I laid my head against the frame, wondering what kind of game he was going to play.

At the mention of his father, his eyes became considerably darker. “Well you can please tell him that I shall not be coming down”, he snarled, narrowing his eyes, while crossing his arms over his chest. His attitude was amusing.

“I’m afraid there’s not really a choice factor involved”.

This seemed to make him laugh – but it wasn’t a humorous one. “You really think you can just come in here and make me do what I don’t want to? You’re just a girl anyway”, he muttered the last part, but it didn’t escape my ears. The grin on my lips immediately dropped.

Really?” I stressed my eyes impassive. “You think I am just a girl, do you, not one that could kill you in an instant?”



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